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  【Abstrac】Bingxin, most renowned for her status as a master of Chinese literature, yet is rarely known as a famous translator in the modern history of China. Her over-60-year translation career depends on her creative writing, namely being her double identity as both writer and translator. This thesis aims to investigate the relationship between creative writing and translation for the writer and translator Bingxin and to summarize and analyze her unique translation theory under her special double identity.
  【Key words】 Bingxin; translation theory; creative writing and translation; relationship
  Bingxin is one of the prominent Chinese female translators of the 20 century but unfortunately this identity is less familiar than another one-writer. One of the most characteristics of Chinese female translators in the 20th century is their double identity as both writer and translator. Bingxin’s double identity also exerted much influence on her cognition of translation.
  2.1 Bingxin’s creative writing influences her concept of translation
  From January 1th, 1922, she began publishing short poems collection A Myriad of Stars on The Morning Post like The Stay Birds. It is the most direct and obvious influence of translation literature on Bingxin’s creation (Bingxin, 1959). In Translation and Editing of Chinses female Ci poet Li Yi’an, a thesis for the bachelor degree in Wellesley College, she said it was impossible for an English translator to maintain the rhyming or rhythm in Chinese. The focus of poetry translation should also be alike in spirit rather than in appearance. Such idea derived from poetry writing deeply affected her concept of poetry translation.
  2.2 Both creative writing and translation serves the same purpose
  As early as 1920, Bingxin had clarified her purpose of translation and creation without conducting large-scale translation and creative activities. She said the purpose of translating a book or writing a book was by no means for yourself to read or for someone else who already knows the book. (Bingxin, 1959) In other words, her attitude toward translation and creation is for the readers who don’t understand the original works. The same purpose of her creative writing and translation is obviously serving for the readers.
  From the relationship between Bingxin’s creative writing and translation the conclusion is that it is born with her special idea of translation.   3.1 Reader-oriented principle
  This piece is the core principle of Bingxin’s translation theory. The main purpose of translation is to convey the beautiful things in the ST to readers. Bingxin’s translation works always give such feeling to her readers for the usage of simple and accurate colloquial writing in vernacular Chinese and amplification and adjustment of sentences that she used for Chinese readers to better absorb. (Lin Peixuan, 2001)
  3.2 Fluent, true and elegant
  The other piece can be concluded in the three words “Fluent, true and elegant”. First of all, “fluent” is the vital. In her article My View on Translation published in 1921 she noted since the translation was done, you’d better make it fluent. The unnatural translation leads to the misunderstanding and the lack of fluency. Readers will lose interest in it finally (Lin Peixuan, 2001). The accuracy and elegance of contents are also important. Bingxin said in My View on Translation the TT should try to avoid excessively expressing the idea of the translator. The target text should accurately convey the contents and the artistic conception of the source text.
  Bingxin’s creative writing and translation complement each other and consequently form a unique theory of translation- “reader-oriented” and “fluent, true and elegant” principles. Her creative writing influences her concept of translation and such idea benefits her translation works in her over-60-year translation career.
  [1]李树德.还原冰心在中國翻译史上的地位[J].东方翻译,2016(03): 30-34.
【摘要】“随便”是汉语中高频使用的一个词汇,这一简单的词汇在汉语中有着多种不同的含义,且蕴含了中国人的礼貌与“面子”文化。但正是因为这种同形多义给这一词汇的英译带来了困难。本文从“随便”一词的三种不同含义出发,以交际翻译为理论指导,分析了不同语境下该词的正确英译。  【关键词】交际翻译;“随便”;英译  【作者简介】孟容静(1991-),女,汉族,云南昆明人,昆明理工大学津桥学院,硕士研究生,讲师
【摘要】提升学生能力是当前课堂教学的重点内容之一,近年来教师不断钻研以提升学生能力为主的教学方式从而构建高中英语高效课堂,有效地提升课堂教学的效果和质量。本文主要说明了高中英语高效课堂教学所面临的主要问题,指出了一系列以提升学生能力为基础开展高效英语课堂的有效策略,促使教师明确如何构建高效英语课堂,强化学生的综合能力,推动高中英语课堂教学的改革与发展。  【关键词】学生能力;高中英语;高效课堂;实
【摘要】英语精读课程以训练学生英语基本技能,培养语言实际运用能力为目标。本文针对传统精读课堂以课本为中心,“课文至上”等不足,提出了基于ESA教学理论的教学模式,强调通过投入阶段、学习阶段以及运用阶段组织课堂教学,在教授学生英语语言基本技能的同时,培养学生的跨文化交际能力。  【关键词】ESA理论;英语专业;精读;教学模式  【作者简介】纪丹丹,长春工业大学人文信息学院。  一、引言  英语精读是
【摘要】随着教育改革的不断深入,初中阶段的英语学科教学工作的重心不断偏移,且各学校也对英语这门学科的教学工作重视力度不断加大。词汇教学作为初中英语教学工作中的一项重要内容,对学科教学工作的展开具有十分重要的意义。就现阶段的初中英语词汇教学而言,仍存在较多的,具有普遍性的问题,使得学生的英语学习受到一定程度的影响,如何正确展开词汇教学,本文将对其进行着重讨论。  【关键词】初中英语;词汇教学;教学方
【摘要】英语是形合语言重语法,非谓语动词是研究动词在句中变化的语法现象,是高中英语学习的重点和难点,在高考的改错和语法填空中应用较多,作者通过多年的教学实践经验对非谓语的用法做了归纳,形成了规律性的实践总结,形成了独特的用法操作步骤,使得这项高中阶段难以全面掌握的语法简单化,本文主要通过演绎法(deductive method)讲授非谓语动词如何在句中使用。本人从事高中英语教学多年,发现这样讲授非
【Abstract】 When talking about language learning and teaching, teachers usually pay more attention to knowledge, skills, learning strategy, cultural awareness and affection, actually indidual differenc
【摘要】针对商务英语专业人才培养的现状进行分析,突出表现在学生语言基础薄弱、课程交际匮乏等方面。根据商务英语专业人才培养的要求,提出相关的教学建议。创新传统的商务英语教学模式,拓展学生素质,培养更多优秀的商务英语专业人才。  【关键词】商务英语;专业人才培养模式;素质拓展;高校学生  【作者简介】郑敏丽,谢素云,海口经济学院。  商务英语专业以培养较强英语交流能力,跨文化思维及专业商务知识人才目标
【摘要】新课改要求课堂落实“以学生为中心”的理念,一线教师不断创新教学方法与模式,旨在推动教学质量的提升。文中以高中英语课程为切入点,分析教学与备考过程中落实因材施教方法的措施,全面推进英语课堂教学质量提升,顺利通过高考考察。  【关键词】英语教学;备考策略;因材施教  【作者简介】陈婉妮,福建省石狮市第一中学。  高三英语教学与复习质量直接决定学生高考成绩,因此得到广大师生的高度重视。高三英语教
【摘要】随着我国进入改革开放新时代,对外交流比以往任何时候都密切频繁,这对高校英语口译人才的培养提出了更高的要求,视译作为一种口笔译结合的翻译形式,可以很好地减轻交替传译初学者最初的听辨负担,训练学生对篇章的快速理解以及提取关键信息的能力,可以作为交替传译入门的方式,对其交传技能的训练有较好地促进用。  【关键词】视译技能;交替传译;促进作用  【作者简介】周娟(1987.10-),女,汉族,山东