Re-Design and Realization of Automatic Control for the Compressor Station of the 2 kW Helium Cryopla

来源 :Plasma Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuanxu52051
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A large-scale compressor set of a 2 kW helium cryoplant, as one of the subsystems ofEAST (the experimental advanced superconducting tokamak), is arranged in a two-stage series-parallel structure. A fully automatic control system used to handle the compressors’ on/off/scheduling and the pressures’ adjustment was developed. To reduce the long time lag and theuncertainty with the energy slide valves effectively, expert rules in combination with proportional-integral-derivative (PID) algorithms were applied. Safety protection and status analysis mecha-nisms were built up to reinforce its stability and robustness. The new system has been appliedto the EAST operations and is operated stably. The problems in the previous semi-automaticsystem, such as the big overshoot of pressure and complexity of the operations, were solved. A large-scale compressor set of a 2 kW helium cryoplant, as one of the subsystems of EAST (the experimental advanced superconducting tokamak), is arranged in a two-stage series-parallel structure. A fully automatic control system used to handle the compressors’ to reduce the long time lag and the unicentty with the energy slide valves effectively, expert rules in combination with proportional-integral-derivative (PID) algorithms were applied. Safety protection and status analysis The new system has been applied to the EAST operations and is operated stably. The problems in the previous semi-automobile system, such as the big overshoot of pressure and complexity of the operations, were solved.
With two extreme excitation energy partitioning ways (R0 and RL in Fig.1) and the systematic parameters of fission fragment mass distribution of n+235U fission
[摘 要] 石油钻采设备课为本校石油专业的一门选修课,为了让这门课取得好的教学效果,进行了教学总结,内容包括教学过程及对学生调查的反馈意见,调查内容为学生对该课程的感受及意见。总结表明,教学方式多样化,内容新颖,及时复习已学知识,有利于提高石油钻采设备课的教学效果。  [关 键 词] 石油钻采设备;教学过程;反馈意见  [中图分类号] G642 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 2096-0603
摘 要:绘本,英文为“picture book”,起源于西方,诞生于19世纪后半叶的欧美。以绘本阅读为背景,以幼儿园艺术领域学习为主导,促使幼儿萌发对艺术美的感受和体验,学会表达、学会创造。以丰富教师教育教学手段,让幼儿更好地爱上阅读,享受艺术的美好。  关键词:绘本阅读;艺术探究;幼儿教育  绘本最早出现于19世纪晚期,到20世纪中期开始逐步发展,到了21世纪传统绘本进入了一个新的发展阶段——由
This paper reports that the K x-ray spectra of the thin target 47Ag, 48Cd, 49In and 50Sn were measured by an HPGe semi-conductor detector in collisions with 84.
241Am is one of minor actinide,the nuclear data are especially important for application involving transmutation and advanced reactors with high minor actinide