
来源 :江苏政协 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sh_xq
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安阳殷墟的成功申遗,在社会上引起了广泛的反响,殷墟一时间成了热门的话题。作为河南人,自2001年申遗工作启动以来,我就时刻关注着殷墟申遗的动向。今年我们又到殷墟实地进行了调查。申遗的目的,是为了更好地保护、传承文化遗产。通过认真调查,发现围绕殷墟保护工作的一系列情况有喜有忧。一、可喜的方面是,殷墟保护措施上,政府和专家给予大力支持,普通公民也参与其中在技术层面上,我们了解到,殷墟地下遗迹在发掘后,绝大部分采用了“原地回埋、地下封存”的方法予以 Yin’s successful inscription in Anyang, in the community caused a wide range of repercussions, Yin Ruin a time became a hot topic. As a native of Henan Province, since the inscription was started in 2001, I have been paying attention to the application of the inscriptions on the Yin Ruins. This year we went to the Yin Ru Field conducted a survey. The purpose of the inscription is to better protect and inherit the cultural heritage. Through careful investigation, I found a series of situations surrounding the protection of the Yin Ruins. First, the gratifying aspect is that the protection of the Yin Ruins, the government and experts to give strong support, ordinary citizens are also involved In the technical level, we learned that the ruins of the ruins in the excavation, the vast majority of the use of Buried, buried underground "approach to be
In the present study, we express the quality, function, and characteristics of architecture to help people comprehensively understand what architecture is. We a
In the seismic analysis of extended structures subject to spatially varying motions, the displacement input model instead of acceleration model is usually adopt