
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vbwu
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Fatigue in multiple sclerosis is a frequent and disabling symptom that can interfere in daily functioning. The aim of this study is to demonstrate the relationship between fatigue and disability, disease course, depression and quality of life. We administered French valid versions of the Fatigue Impact Scale (EMIF- SEP), the short form of the Beck depression inventory (13 items) and the SF- 36 to 237 out of 312 patients with clinically definite multiple sclerosis with EDSS ≤ 6.5. The EMIF- SEP is composed of four dimensions (cognitive, physical, social role and psychological) and allows a multidimensional evaluation. Using a multivariate analysis, EMIF- SEP total scores with physical and social role subscales were highly correlated with EDSS (p < 0.0001). Cognitive and psychological dimensions of the EMIF- SEP were not linked to EDSS. EMIF- SEP was not correlated with disease course after adjusting for EDSS.EMIF- SEP scores were significantly associated with depression scores (r = 0.74, p < 0.0001). The multivariate analysis also showed a significant impact of fatigue on each scale of quality of life of the SF- 36. These data confirm that fatigue is correlated with disability, but cognitive and psychological dimensions of fatigue remain independent. Fatigue is also associated with depression and quality of life. Fatigue in multiple sclerosis is a frequent and disabling symptom that can interfere in daily functioning. The aim of this study is to demonstrate the relationship between fatigue and disability, disease course, depression and quality of life. Werated French valid versions of the Fatigue Impact The short form of the Beck depression inventory (13 items) and the SF-36 to 237 out of 312 patients with clinically definite multiple sclerosis with EDSS ≦ 6.5. The EMIF-SEP is composed of four dimensions (EMIF- SEP) Using a multivariate analysis, EMIF-SEP total scores with physical and social role subscales were highly correlated with EDSS (p <0.0001). Cognitive and psychological dimensions of the EMIF- SEP were not linked to EDSS. EMIF-SEP was not correlated with disease course after adjusting for EDSS. EMIF-SEP scores were significantly associated with depression scores (r = 0. 74, p <0.0001). The multivariate analysis also showed a significant impact of fatigue on each scale of quality of life of the SF- 36. These data confirm that fatigue is correlated with disability, but cognitive and psychological dimensions of fatigue remain independent. Fatigue is also associated with depression and quality of life.
目的 观察乙型肝炎病毒核心抗原 (HBcAg)核酸疫苗对猕猴的体液和细胞免疫原性。方法 实验组和对照组猕猴分别肌内注射HBcAg核酸疫苗 (pJW 430 3/HBc)和对照质粒 (pJW 430 3
目的 :对普萘洛尔能否预防肝硬化并发上消化道出血进行系统评价。方法 :检索 1 980年 1月至 2 0 0 0年 1 2月期间发表的有关普萘洛尔预防肝硬化并发上消化道出血的随机对照临
这年暑假,毛小毛和他的同学应邀来到了Z国参加“国际小学生暑期交流活动”。Z国是一个经济和科技高度发达的国家,学习、生活和工作等各个方面的智能化程度都达到了令人吃惊的地步。只是这个国家的人们总是神情严肃、行色匆匆,这个国家的天空也总是阴霾密布、不见天日,连本该天真烂漫的孩童也都是一副愁云满面、老气横秋的模样。  毛小毛和同学们坐着车行进在Z国的大街上,道路上车水马龙、人声鼎沸,路旁鳞次栉比、拔地而起