
来源 :电力建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:alex136629
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1998年是改革开放20周年,也是国家电力公司实行“公司化改组、商业化运营、法制化管理”的第1年。据统计,1998年投产大中型机组约1690万kW,超额完成了国家电力公司基建投产任务。电网建设速度也明显加快,目前,历史上最大规模的城市电网和农村电网改造工程已全面启动,为下一步实现全国联网、开拓电力市场、扩大电力需求奠定了基础。文章在总结1998年电力建设情况的基础上提出1999年的工作重点是:继续贯彻电力建设改革与发展“四十八字”总体思路;大力推进设计革命;加快修订电力建设企业标准、定额等基础性工作;坚持对重点工程协调,加强安全管理;继续抓好在建工程质量;进一步推进电力企业改革。1999年的投产任务计划已经下达,在本期信息服务栏目中有“1998年大中型发电机组投产表”“1998年送变电工程投产表”及“1999年发电工程分季投产框架计划表”,请有关单位领会精神,调整步伐,与国家电力公司的改革与发展计划相协调,根据国家电力公司1999年的工作重点安排自己的工作计划和工作目标。 The year 1998 was the 20th anniversary of the reform and opening up, and it was also the first year that the State Power Corporation implemented the “corporate reorganization, commercialized operation, and legalized management”. According to statistics, about 16.9 million kW of large and medium-sized generating units were put into operation in 1998, which exceeded the completion of the National Power Company’s infrastructure construction task. The construction speed of power grids has also been significantly accelerated. At present, the largest urban power grid and rural power grid reconstruction projects in history have been fully started, laying the foundation for the next step in achieving national networking, exploring the electricity market, and expanding power demand. On the basis of summarizing power construction in 1998, the article puts forward the key tasks for 1999: Continue to implement the “48 characters” general idea of ​​power construction reform and development; Vigorously advance the design revolution; Accelerate the revision of basic standards for power construction enterprises, such as quotas Adhere to the coordination of key projects, strengthen safety management; continue to focus on the quality of projects under construction; and further advance the reform of power companies. The production mission plan for 1999 has already been issued. In the current information service column, there are the “Medium-sized and Medium-sized Generating Sets Production List for 1998”, “Transmission Transmission and Transformation Project Launching List for 1998”, and “1999 Power Generation Project Sub-season Launching Framework Plan”. Require the spirit of the relevant units to readjust the pace, coordinate with the reform and development plans of the State Power Corporation, and arrange their own work plans and work goals according to the 1999 work of the State Power Corporation.
莱州鲁源汽车配件有限公司位于青岛烟台、潍坊三市交界、交通发达。 公司占地面积4.2万m~2,建筑面积1.6万m~2,拥有固定资产2800多万元,职工620人,工程技术人员120人,各种设
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