本文根据2×2联列表,应用方差分析、X ̄2统计量度量、Ochiai指数、Dice指数和Jaccard指数等系列技术,测定了四川绍云山栲树林的13个优势种群间的联结性。并以半矩阵、全矩阵和星座图等形式表达测定结果。研究表明,缙云山栲树林的种间联结测定使用上述系列技术效果很佳。运用方差分析可揭示出多物种整体间联结性,X ̄2检验表示出各种对联结的显著性程度和性质,Ochai指数、Dice指数和Jaccard指数标量出种对的联结程度和相伴随出现的机率。同时表明,缙云山栲树林种间联结较复杂,栲树(Castanopsisfargesii)与杜英(Ela-eocarpusdecipiens)间为极显著正联结,而与大头茶(Gordoniaacuminata)间为极显著负联结,与小叶栲(Castanopsiscarlesiivar,spinulosa)间为显著负联结。表明亲缘关系较近、对环境要求相同、对环境反应相似的种群相伴随出现的机率较大,其联结的性质却不因此而定。
Based on the 2 × 2 cohort, using the series of techniques such as analysis of variance, X ~ 2 statistics, Ochiai index, Dice index and Jaccard index, the connectivity among 13 dominant populations of Shui tree in Shaoyun County, Sichuan Province was determined. The results are expressed in terms of half-matrix, full matrix and constellation. Studies have shown that the use of the above series of techniques in determining the interspecific association of the forest in Jinyun Mountain is very good. Using variance analysis to reveal the overall multi-species connectivity, X ~ 2 test showed a variety of significance and nature of the junction, Ochai index, Dice index and Jaccard index scalar out of the degree of association and accompanying Chance At the same time, the interspecific association of Castanopsis faggesii and Ela-eocarpus decipiens was extremely significant, and that of Castanopsis fargesii and Gordonia acuminata was very significantly negative, Castanopsis carlesiivar, spinulosa). It shows that the close relatives, the same environmental requirements, and the similar responses to the environment are accompanied by the greater probability of occurrence. However, the nature of the association does not depend on it.