Dynamics of air-sea planetary boundary layer under the geostrophic momentum approximation condition

来源 :Acta Oceanologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:YOLANDA123456789
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In this paper, the air-sea planetary boundary is divided into three layers. With the aid of geostrophic momentum approximation, wind and current profiles, surface wind, surface wind stress and Ekman pumpinii in the atmosphere as well as in the ocean affected by the atmospheric baroclini-city, stratification and nonlinear effects are investigated systematically for an ocean of infinite depth. Meanwhile, the characteristics of the air-sea interaction is analyzed. In the paper, the air-sea planetary boundary is divided into three layers. With the aid of geostrophic momentum approximation, wind and current profiles, surface wind, surface wind stress and Ekman pumpinii in the atmosphere as well as in the ocean affected by the atmospheric baroclini-city, stratification and nonlinear effects are investigated systematically for an ocean of infinite depth. Meanwhile, the characteristics of the air-sea interaction are analyzed.
英国南部海滨疗养院浴场国的沙子变得越晶莹透亮,闪闪发光,这使浴场主大惑不解。 The sands in the southern bathhouses in the southern United Kingdom became crystali
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她和他是一起考上大学的。他们俩成了这个美丽小镇走出去的仅有的大学生。  四年时间,他们俩一起在大学校园里度过。她喜欢浪漫,而他喜欢读书,她就默默地陪在他的身边。毕业时,她依然回到那个美丽的小镇,在那个青山绿水的小镇上当上了一名老师,而他却以优异的成绩被学校保了研。  他成了这个美丽小镇最有出息的人。为了让他能安心读书,她和他约定,每过一段时间,她就去学校里看他一次,她会将他们家乡他最爱吃的东西带给
Current and temperature data from a one-year-long instrument deployment in the region just northeast of Cape Halteras have shown the oceanic variability to be
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