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新课标的颁布以及新课改的逐渐推进,为小学语文阅读教学带来了新鲜的血液,不少教育工作者认真研习新课标、投身于课改的洪流之中。小学语文阅读教学呈现蓬勃发展的趋势。但是一些无法回避的弊病依然存在,使得阅读教学的有效性大打折扣。本文从研究原因开始,阐述教育现况,探讨阅读教育低效的原因,分析有效性的内涵,进而提出提高阅读教学有效策略。希望通过科学地制定教学目标,正确地解读文本和确定教学内容,选择适当的教学方法,优化阅读教学过程与教学环节,合理运用教学评价这几个方面来提出可以提高小学语文阅读教学质量的方法。 The promulgation of the new curriculum standards and gradual progress of the new curriculum reform have brought fresh blood to Chinese reading teaching in primary schools. Many educators seriously study the new curriculum standards and devote themselves to the torrent of curriculum reform. Primary Chinese reading teaching presents a thriving trend. However, some unavoidable shortcomings still exist, making the effectiveness of reading teaching greatly reduced. This article starts from the research reasons, expounds the current situation of education, discusses the reasons of inefficient reading education, analyzes the connotation of validity, and then puts forward some effective strategies to improve reading teaching. It is hoped that we can put forward some ways to improve the teaching quality of primary school Chinese reading through scientifically formulating teaching objectives, reading the text correctly and determining the content of teaching, choosing the appropriate teaching methods, optimizing reading teaching process and teaching links, making proper use of the teaching evaluation .
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
从事了二十多年的语文教育教学研究与实践,我见识过形形色色的语文课:重读的、重析的、重写的、重表演的、重自主解读的、重拓展的……其中不乏好课,但总觉花哨了些。我觉得语文课要删繁就简,返璞归真,抓住语文的本质特性,上出语文的味来。  什么是“语文味”?  早在2001年,程少堂就率先把“语文味”作为一个学术概念正式提出,并把它定义为:“所谓语文味,是指在语文教学过程中,以共生互学(互享)的师生关系为前
中国有悠久的尊师重道的传统,古代就有“人有三尊,君、父、师”的说法。《吕氏春秋·尊师》云:“生则谨养,死则敬祭,此尊师之道也。”《师说》中:“师者,所以传道授业解惑也。”在中国几千年的灿烂历史中,师,总是受人尊敬,被人爱戴的。教师,是人类文化得以传承的功臣,他们作的贡献是极其巨大的。  公历9月10日,是我国的教师节。教师节,是我国仅有的包括护士节、记者节在内的3个行业性节日。教师节的宗旨就是提高
《共产党人》杂志2005年第1期宁夏纵横栏目刊登的俞爱山同志的《平罗数珍》一文,在叙说平罗水利光辉历史中两处明显有误,提出来与俞爱山同志商讨。 In the article “Commun