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感觉就是品质文/陆地一件衬衫,摆在高档精品柜台上,售价1080元,摆在普通柜台上却只卖580元。做服装生意多年的朋友告诉我,其实这种衬衫的生产成本只有几十元,加上广告和销售费用,最多不过200元。但同样是这件衬衫,花高价购得和当便宜货买来,穿在身上,感觉是不同的。品质不是穿出来的,而是感觉出来的,我相信。令人失望的是,很少有人会在物质条件缺乏的情况下,通过感觉提升自已的品质。你看到过一个乞丐自信而坚强的面容吗? Feeling is the quality of text / a shirt on land, placed on the high-end boutique counter, priced at 1080 yuan, placed in an ordinary counter but only sold 580 yuan. Years of doing clothing business friends told me that, in fact, the production cost of this shirt is only a few dozen dollars, plus advertising and sales costs, up to but 200 yuan. But the same is this shirt, flowers bought high and when bargains bought, wearing on the body, the feeling is different. Quality is not to wear out, but feel it, I believe. It is disappointing that very few people can improve their own quality through feeling in the absence of material conditions. Have you seen a confident and strong face of a beggar?
《中华人民共和国行政许可法》将于2004年7月1日正式实施,本刊特设置专栏进行宣传,以满足读者的需要。 “The People’s Republic of China Administrative Licensing Law”
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三角函数最值问题,类型多、方法活.构造图形求三角函数最值,可以使繁琐的过程直观化,给人耳目一新的感觉.下面举例说明. The trigonometric function is the most problemat
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