Growth simulation of Fraxinus chinensis stands damaged by Hyphandria cunea in Beijing area

来源 :Forestry Studies in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:x737101013
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Hyphandria cunea is an insect that can damage hundreds of plants in its larval phase and needs to be placed under quarantine at an international level. Its hosts involve 600 plant species, including forest and fruit trees, shrubs, crops, vegetables, weeds and others. In 2006, we surveyed two Fraxinus chinensis Roxb stands, damaged to different degrees, after the invasion of H. cunea in the Changping district of the Beijing area. Given our survey of individual trees and investigation of bio-environmental factors, we provide a preliminarily simulation of the growth situation of F. chinensis stands, damaged by H. cunea, by using the Forest Vegetation Simulator software (FVS), which is supported by the “948” project from the State Forestry Administration of China. The results will provide a valuable reference in forecasting the effect of H. cunea and other invasive pests in China on forest ecological values. Hyphandria cunea is an insect that can damage hundreds of plants in its larval phase and needs to be placed under quarantine at an international level. Its hosts involve 600 plant species, including forest and fruit trees, shrubs, crops, vegetables, weeds and others. In 2006, we surveyed two Fraxinus chinensis Roxb stands, damaged to different degrees, after the invasion of H. cunea in the Changping district of the Beijing area. Given our survey of individual trees and investigation of bio-environmental factors, we provide a preliminarily simulation of the growth situation of F. chinensis stands, damaged by H. cunea, by using the Forest Vegetation Simulator software (FVS), which is supported by the “948 ” project from the State Forestry Administration of China. The results will provide a valuable reference in forecasting the effect of H. cunea and other invasive pests in China on forest ecological values.
由中文教学现代化学会主办、鲁东大学文学院与国际交流学院共同承办的第七届中文电化教学国际研讨会于2010年7月20~22日在鲁东大学隆重召开。本次会议注册代表87人, Sponsore
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