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一颗乡镇企业之星,冉冉升起于群山环抱之中,璀灿媚人,闪耀在广袤、丰腴的江南水乡。座落在江苏武进县腹地横山桥的江苏兰陵化工(集团)公司,高大的建筑群掩映在青山绿水之中,琉璃瓦重檐倾绿,铬黄瓷砖镶饰面,灿然一新,依山抱秀。这是江苏省先进企业、全国乡镇企业化工系统180余万家中唯一部级“清洁文明工厂”。公司总经理陈人金年仅50,高挑个儿,紫铜色的脸上对现实充满信心和对未来满怀憧憬之情。从原武进化工防腐材料厂的基础上组建成今天的集团公司,跨越了12个年头。12年,在历史的长河里是短暂的一瞬间,然而,这12年是改革开放的12年,是推动历史飞速发展的12年,也是“兰陵”集团公司不平凡的12年。总经理陈人金每每回顾起踩着泥巴、卷起裤腿办起防腐材料工厂时情景,无不感慨,心潮澎湃,难以抑制自己感情的闸门。是的,今非昔比,如今的兰陵集团公司已跃居全国同行之首,再展防腐事业之雄风,被我国防腐界、学术界、科技界广大用户誉为“防腐大王”。 The star of a township enterprise has risen in the mountains and is surrounded by mountains. It shines brightly in the vast and prosperous south of the Yangtze River. Jiangsu Lanling Chemical (Group) Co., Ltd., located in the Hengshan Bridge in the hinterland of Wujin County, Jiangsu, is surrounded by tall buildings in the mountains and green waters. The glazed tiles are heavy green, and the chrome-tile tiles inlay the surface. Hold show. This is the only ministerial level “clean and civilized factory” among the more than 1.8 million chemical systems of advanced enterprises and township enterprises in Jiangsu Province. The company’s general manager Chen Renjin is only 50 years old and is tall. The copper-colored face is full of confidence in the reality and full of love for the future. From the original Wujin chemical anti-corrosion material plant, based on the group formed today’s group company, spanning 12 years. In the 12 years of history, it was a brief moment in the long river of history. However, these 12 years were the 12 years of reform and opening up, 12 years of promoting the rapid development of history, and also the extraordinary 12 years of the Lanling Group Corporation. Chen Renjin, general manager of the company, often recalls the situation when he stepped on mud and rolled up his trouser legs to start an anti-corrosion material factory. All feelings and emotions are difficult to suppress. Yes, this is not the same time, today’s Lanling Group Corporation has leapt to the ranks of its counterparts in the country, re-exhibition of the glory of the cause of anti-corrosion, China’s anti-corrosion circles, the academic community, the vast majority of users of scientific and technological circles as the “anti-corrosion king.”
每年2月22日是宇宙居民欢聚一堂的日子。他们在一起喝茶、聊天,好不热闹。这时,一位拄着拐杖的老公公走进来,还不停地咳嗽。保安火星拦住了他:“请问您是哪一位?”  老公公上气不接下气地说:“我是地球。”星星们个个都惊讶得说不出话来。在他们的印象里,地球是一位潇洒帅气的小伙子。地球接着说:“我的孩子们太不讲道理了,破坏环境,污染水源和大气,我就……变成现在这样了。”  木星拿出宇宙医院的VIP金卡递给
“为聪慧与高尚的人生奠基”是清华附小的办学理念。学校在努力建设一所世界一流的学校,为此,势必要打造一支一流的教师队伍。随着学校的迅速发展壮大,吸引了越来越多的新生力量加入到清华附小的大家庭中。为使刚刚走上工作岗位的年轻教师迅速成长,学校特开展了师徒共成长活动,为每一位年轻教师都指派了师傅。而我作为师傅就和刚入职的李宁老师结成了对子。  一、师徒交流中感受热情与朝气  一听说学校让我和李宁老师结对子
所有参加游戏的小朋友围成一个圆圈。圆圈的中间竖立一根木棍,代表小树;一个小朋友扶着木棍,当“护树勇士”。  游戏开始。围圈的小朋友手拉手,边走边说:“小树小树快长大,我们都来保护你。”“护树勇士”大声说出一个小朋友的名字,例如:“奇奇,请你来保护小树!一、二、三!”说完后,就把扶小树的手松开。被叫到名字的小朋友,立刻跑过去扶小树。如果他扶住了小树,就可以叫另一个小朋友来保护小树;如果他没有扶住小树
说一说问号狗: My friends, do you recognize your body?大眼兔: Certainly.问号狗: Do you known the name of the every part?小飞象: Yes, I known. And I can write cor
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