
来源 :ChineseOpticsLetters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lynnshe
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A problem in terms of the accuracy of noninvasive measurement of blood glucose with near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy is mainly caused by the weak glucose signal and strong background variations. We report the existence of the radial reference point in a floating-reference method, which is supposed to solve this problem. Based on the analysis of the infinite diffusion theory, the local condition of the reference point is deduced theoretically. Then the experiments using the intralipid solutions are constructed to testify the existence of the reference point. In order to further validate our results, Monte Carlo simulations are performed to calculate the diffused light distribution according to the variation of the glucose concentration in the intralipid solutions. All the reference points existing in three-layer skin model are also listed at the wavelength of 1200-1700 nm.
A novel broadband transmission method to determine polymer film thickness during manufacturing is proposed, and a measurement system is developed based on this method. The relationship between broadband optical power and film thickness is deduced accordin
A 60-GHz bidirectional radio-over-fiber (RoF) system using two-carrier-injected distributed feedback (DFB) laser is proposed and demonstrated to realize optical single sideband (SSB) modulation for downlink. An injection-locked Fabry-P′erot laser is also
The interaction of random laser and gain medium is important to understand the noise origin in random fiber lasers. Here, using the optical time domain reflectometry method, the time-resolved distributed acoustic wave generated by a Brillouin random fiber
ADC广泛应用于手持设备, 以及国防等领域。电ADC受限于时钟抖动和比较器模糊等关键指标, 性能基本接近理论极限, 提升空间有限。光ADC发挥了光子学的优势, 具有极大的带宽, 能实现远距离传输、远端处理, 是ADC发展的理想方向。光ADC能够很好地突破电ADC理论上的极限, 因此引起广泛关注。利用时间-波长交织、时间拉伸原理进行了光ADC的开发研究, 制做了高速光ADC样机, 进行了实验, 并分享了各项技术的细节。此外, 硅光集成技术将为光ADC技术打开新的窗口。
本文讨论了一种新型光电离预双放电TEA CO2激光器,该器件结构简单、性能可靠。研究了伏-安特性和掺入易电离辅助剂对放电稳定性的影响。最大比输入能量高达1.1千焦耳/升,激光振荡能量为60焦耳/升。
As a hybrid imaging modality that combines optical excitation with acoustic detection, photoacoustic tomography (PAT) has become one of the fastest growing biomedical imaging modalities. Among various types of transducer arrays used in a PAT system config