Kinetics and Morphological Analysis of Silver Platinum Bimetallic Nanoparticles

来源 :Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangwenhu8
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Kinetics of a one-pot core–shell synthesis of bimetallic(BM) silver–platinum(Ag–Pt) nanoparticles(NPs) by simultaneous reduction of 1:1 mol fraction of precursors H2 Pt Cl6á6H2O and Ag NO3 in aqueous solution is reported.Kinetics analysis was done by plotting UV–visible absorptions versus reaction time with a first-order fitting. Recorded constants of Ag NPs(0.079 s~(-1)), Ag–Pt NPs 1:1(0.082 s~(-1)), and Pt NPs(0.006 s~(-1)) were obtained. The NPs suspension solutions were clear, free from Ag Cl precipitate, and had characteristic optical properties of 450 nm(Ag NPs), while there were no observable bands for Pt and BM NPs. Morphological analysis using transmission electron microscopy, energydispersive X-ray spectroscopy(EDX), and selected area electron diffraction(SAED) depicted spherical aggregates of Ag NPs, Pt NPs and core shell Pt–Ag NPs 1:1 of average size of 60, 2.5, and 20 mm, respectively. Presence of the Ag and Pt elemental composition in the nanoparticle suspensions was confirmed by EDX. SAED ring patterns revealed a single facecentered cubic crystalline nature of Ag NPs and showed typical Pt-based BMs randomly overlapped ring pattern with sharp diffraction spots. Kinetics of a one-pot core-shell synthesis of bimetallic (BM) silver-platinum (Ag-Pt) nanoparticles (NPs) by simultaneous reduction of 1: 1 mol fraction of precursors H2 Pt Cl6a6H2O and Ag NO3 in aqueous solution is reported. Kinetics analysis was done by plotting UV-visible absorptions versus reaction time with a first-order fitting. Recorded constants of Ag NPs (0.079 s -1), Ag-Pt NPs 1: 1 (0.082 s -1) The NPs suspension solutions were clear, free from Ag Cl precipitate, and had characteristic optical properties of 450 nm (Ag NPs), while there are no observable bands for Pt and BM NPs. Morphological analysis using transmission electron microscopy, energydispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), and selected area electron diffraction (SAED) spherical aggregates of Ag NPs, Pt NPs and core shells Pt-Ag NPs 1: 1 of average size of 60, 2.5, and 20 mm, respectively. Presence of the Ag and Pt elemental composition in the nanoparticle suspensions SA was identified by EDX. SAED ring patterns revealed a single face centered cubic crystalline nature of Ag NPs and showed typical Pt-based BMs randomly overlapped ring pattern with sharp diffraction spots.
2016年7月20日,一场几十年不遇的大暴雨袭扰北京。  坐落在北京大学和清华大学之间的北大博雅酒店,正在举行中关村民营科技企业圆桌论坛。此次论坛的主题是《闻道“改革守望者”——吴敬琏》。在三个小时中,吴敬琏先生精神矍铄,就中国企业如何从“跟跑者”、“并跑者”升级为“领跑者”?中国企业如何从“野蛮生长”向“创新驱动”蜕变?中国经济增长的关键驱动力在哪里?先生娓娓道来。  坐在这所古色古香、又有几分