
来源 :大学英语 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhanglangsdkd
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有些英文习语,其意义非词语表面所述.因此在理解翻译含这类习语的句子时,切不可望文生义,不然会导致译文与原义大相径庭.此时应很好理解上下文和查阅书籍或词典.本文拟将平日搜集的一些这样的句子,列18例如下,以引起读者注意.读者在看参考译文前,请先自己试着译一译. Some English idioms are not described in terms of their meaning. Therefore, when you understand the translation of sentences containing such idioms, you must not read literal meanings. Otherwise, the translations will be different from the original meanings. At this time, you should understand the context and read the books. Dictionary. This article intends to collect some of these sentences on weekdays, for example, in order to arouse the attention of readers. Before reading the reference translation, readers should try to translate.
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should/would like to do sth.是英语中常见的一个句型,使用时应弄懂如下几个问题: 1.should和would的选择及缩合从语法上考虑,should like to do sth.用于第一人称,would l
Love is not all; it is not meat nor drink Nor slumber nor a roof against the rain, Nor yet a floating spar to men that sink And rise and sink and rise and sink
It’s not your imagination:staying slim~2 really does become harder year by year.At 19,a week’s dieting~3 and a couple of evenings out dancing are usually eno
1.总的印象 最近国家教委颁布的《全日制小学语文教学大纲》,是继1956年、1963年、1978年之后的第四个小学语文教学大纲,又是建国以来第一个正式的小语大纲(以前三个分别为
《基础医学英语》(English in Basic Medical Science)是英国牛津大学出版社运用功能法编写并出版的最新科技英语教材之一。现经编译,由陕西人民出版社出版。本书共分八个单
据美国语言学家估计,英语总词汇量从莎士比亚时代到现在已从140,000左右增到700,000左右,增加了五倍.难怪有人著文风趣地说:“如果有当代的Rip Van Winkle一觉醒来,过了四十