我们管家务乡随着乡政权的建立,于1983年上半年建立了乡级财政,实行了“定收定支、收支挂钩、确定比例、总额分成”的财政体制。乡财政建立后,认真贯彻经济调整八字方针,讲究生财、聚财、用财之道,广辟财源,大力组织收入,在超额完成收入任务的基础上,乡留成收入91,692元,全年乡财政总支出为86,543元,收支相抵,做到了收支平衡、略有结余。我们抓乡财政工作的具体做法是: 一、大力发展农村商品生产。生产的发展是财政收入的源泉,乡财政建立后,把发展农村商品生产放在组织财政收入工作的首位。我们根据本地情况,充分利用本乡丰富的杨、柳杆、各种条子等物产资源,大搞加工副业,改变了历年来只卖原料不搞加工的做法,经济效益显著提高。经乡党委、乡政府研究,把
With the establishment of the township government, we established the township finance in the first half of 1983 and implemented the fiscal system of “fixed income and fixed income, linked payments to each other, determined the proportion, and divided the total into”. After the establishment of the township finance department, the principle of economic readjustment should be conscientiously implemented and the principle of making money, enriching and using money should be paid attention to, making ample resources and organizing the income earnestly. On the basis of exceeding the income-earning tasks, the township government retained a revenue of 91,692 yuan, Total expenditure was 86,543 yuan, balance of payments, so that the balance of payments, a slight surplus. The specific practices of grasping township financial work are: First, vigorously develop rural commodity production. The development of production is a source of fiscal revenue. After the establishment of rural finance, the development of rural commodity production should be placed in the first place of organizing the work of financial revenue. According to local conditions, we make full use of our abundant resources such as poplars, willows, and various sliver strips. We have also vigorously engaged in the processing of sideline businesses and changed the practice of selling only raw materials over the years without any processing, resulting in a significant increase in economic efficiency. The township party committee, township government research, put