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然而90年代前后东欧及苏联发生剧变,使这位虔信共产主义理想的诗人受到极大打击。吞并式的两德统一给他心中带来无法抚平的伤痛,使他备觉失落和沮丧。他于1989年前后写了许多诗歌,总结、反思自己和国家走过的历史,同时更重要的是倾诉转折在他心灵上造成的巨大创痛。我们从诗集《九曲桥——简约的日历》(Die Zickzackbruecke—Ein AbriBkalender,中德意志出版社,1992)中选译了几首,以飨读者。《九曲桥》是他1988年在上海豫园参观时,走在九曲桥上产生的联想。《转折》一诗中的大陆风可能暗指从苏联刮到被称为欧洲走廊的波兰等国的政治风浪。《财富》不仅指经济意义上的物质财富,它与德国诗人荷尔德林的诗《我的财富》以及布劳恩自己写于70年代的诗《致荷尔德林》相关。在荷尔德林的诗中财富是广义的概念,是指他的诗歌,他的归属,他逃避一切外界压力的避难所。在布劳恩的诗中,他认为,这种财富是无家可归的诗人的避难所,诗歌的故乡只有在人民所有的制度下才有保障。而如今转折夺走了一切,社会主义的乌托邦理想还没有实现就破灭了,只留下深深的哀伤。这首发表于1990年的诗曾在广大读者,特别是原民主德国群众中引起极大共鸣,被报刊杂志多次转载,并展开讨论。这也可以证明,诗人的诗歌代表了人民的心声。 However, the drastic changes in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union around the 1990s made the poet, a devout Communist ideologist, severely dealt a blow. The unification of two annexations of annexation brought to his heart the pain he could not heal and made him feel lost and frustrated. He wrote many poems around 1989, summarizing and reflecting on the history he had passed along with the country. What was more important was to talk about the great pain caused by the turning point in his mind. We have translated several passages from the collection of poems “Die Zickzackbruecke-Ein AbriBkalender” (German-German Press, 1992) to readers. “Jiuqu Qiao” was his association in Jiuqu Bridge when he visited in Shanghai Yuyuan in 1988. The continental wind in the poem “Turning Point” may suggest a political storm from the Soviet Union to Poland and other countries, known as the European Corridor. “Fortune” not only refers to the material wealth in the economic sense, it is related to the poem “My Fortune” written by the German poet Holderlin and “To Holderlin” written by Braun himself in the 1970s. In Holderlin’s poem, wealth is a generalized concept, referring to his poetry, his belonging, and his refuge from all external pressures. In Braun’s poem, he believes that such wealth is a refuge for the homeless poets, and that the hometown of poetry is guaranteed only by the people’s own system. Now the turning point has taken away everything. The ideal of socialism, utopia, has not been shattered yet, leaving only deep sadness. This poem, first published in 1990, has aroused great resonance among a large number of readers, especially the original mass of German people. It has been reprinted in newspapers and magazines for many times and has been discussed. This can also prove that the poet’s poetry represents the aspirations of the people.
一、认真钻研教材是教好语文的前提    语文教师是认真钻研教材还是依赖教学参考书,这是能否成为优秀教师的分水岭之一。  著名教育家叶圣陶先生多次指出,语文教材是开展教学的“例子”和“凭借”。为此,语文教师必须十分重视钻研教材,充分利用这些经过反复论证和精选的、文质兼美的例子和凭借。通过科学有效的教学活动,让学生真正读懂并学会写作同类的篇章。然而,只要我们稍作一番考察就会发现,在以往和当今的基础阶段
一  在中国创业界,有一阵风已悄然吹起。  参加创业活动时,总能听到创业者或多或少提及这个字——美。  做酒店的会说,做的不是酒店,是在中国最美的地方建设美宿;做餐饮的说,做轻奢餐,卖碗牛腩也要美感,要精心摆盘;做手机的说,我有工匠情结,就要做最美的手机……  这些创业者看似找事造作,可就是打动了不少人,至少有消费者和投资者愿意买单。  美,这个很虚的概念,不知什么时候成了一种创业的竞争力。  在
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在生物课堂教学中教师应充分利用好学生已有的课程资源。从实际出发,根据学生的认知水平引导学生去探究生物知识,构建生活化的教学活动,从而大大提高生物课堂教学的效率。 I
在一个问题中若有几个变量,可选定其中一个作为主元.可能收到简捷明快,出神入化的解题效果. 1.因式分解问题例1 多项式x2y-y2z+z2x-x2z+y2x+ z2y-2xyz分解后的结果是( ) If the
(一)    学生小Z思维细腻而独特,曾创造了回答政治老师“什么是运动?”的“经典”答案——运动就是跑来跑去!又因行为幼稚而好说话,被同学以《大话西游》中的“唐僧”冠名。虽大毛病没有,但小问题不断,尤其自高三下学期学校将早读时间提前到早上7点后,开始的两个星期他几乎都是与第一节课的老师比赛冲刺。很想对这样一个典型严加惩戒,以儆效尤,碰巧又逢晚自习值周老师告状:晚自习时,“唐僧”怀抱无数饮料瓶,潜入