
来源 :贵州教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jorlin2008
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一、小学教师继续教育的目标 制订全省小学教师继续教育的目标,必须从省情出发。相对于全国来说,我省经济发展滞后,教师基础还很薄弱,教师素质总体还不够高,教育教学质量也比较落后,基础教育,特别是小学教育涉及农村的面大,所以小学教师继续教育的重点在农村,难点也在农村。根据我省的这一具体情况,在制订小学教师继续教育目标时,必须面对实际,面向农村,从最基本的抓起,使小学教师具备基本的政治思想素质和教育教学业务素质。省教委下发的(95)471号文件明确了我省小学教师继续教育的目标和任务,即:“从现在起到2000年,为我省小学教师继续教育培训的第一阶段。这一阶段的培训,以提高教师职业遭德素养和教育教学实际能力为目标,通过职业道德 First, the goal of primary school teachers to continue education The development of primary school teachers in the province of continuing education goals, we must start from the provincial conditions. Relative to the whole country, the economic development of our province lags behind, the teachers 'foundation is still very weak, the overall quality of teachers is not high enough, the quality of education and teaching is relatively backward, and basic education, especially primary education, involves rural areas. Therefore, primary school teachers' continuing education The focus is in rural areas, but also in rural areas. According to this specific situation in our province, when formulating primary school teachers' goal of continuing education, we must face the reality, face the countryside and start from the most basic, so that primary school teachers should have the basic political and ideological qualities and the quality of education and teaching. Document No. (95) 471 issued by the Provincial Board of Education clarified the goal and task of continuing education for elementary school teachers in our province, namely: "From now till 2000, it is the first stage of continuing education and training of elementary school teachers in our province. Of the training to improve the quality of teachers' professional qualifications and education and teaching as the goal, through professional ethics
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古人云:“读书破万卷,下笔如有神。”因此,如何凭借教材进行作文教学,以课文为范文,在讲读教学中渗透作文教学,是一门艺术。多年来,我在讲读课上努力探索与作文教学相结合的方法,大胆实践,植根于课本,强调一个“新”字;重视积累,看好一个“活”字。培养学生作文兴趣,从而更好地进行作文教学。    一.凭借教材,引导仿写、变写、创写    课堂上以教材为内容,适时地进行读写结合训练,以读带写,以写促读,在阅
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师 :大家看看窗外 ,地上湿漉漉的 ,昨天晚上一定是———生(抢答) :昨天晚上下雨了。师 :那你们喜欢下雨吗?生 :我喜欢下雨。下雨之后空气特别清新!生 :我喜欢下雨。下雨之后