Entering the 1990s, Japan’s “Diamond” magazine published an eye-catching special feature. It was not an alarmist warning: Matsushita Electric Group has reached the brink of possible collapse! Warning is not groundless. In 1989, in a relatively good year, the profit rate of major electrical companies in Japan increased, and only Panasonic declined. If March 1985 was used as the sales base for 100, by March 1989, Sony reached 170.1, Hitachi had 127.7, Panasonic only had 116.6; profit before tax was 130.1 at Mitsubishi Electric, 118 at Sony, and Panasonic dropped to 79.2. . At present, Matsushita’s President Akei Furui acknowledged heavily: “In the era of informationization, Panasonic is not necessarily a good company any more.” Of course, Matsushita Electric was once dominant in Japan and even in the international market. This is undeniable.