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作者对25年间收治的七例铝肺病例作了报道,并复习了文献。 七例中接尘工龄为3年至25年,开始接尘至出现症状的时间最短者三年,最长者十年,七例中有四例合并结核(57.1%)。初期症状为活动时呼吸困难、全身倦怠、咳嗽、咳痰,肺病变进展时可伴有呼吸困难、干咳、胸痛、食欲不振、体重减轻等症状。 本病X线所见为肺纤维化并伴有纵隔影增大,全肺野有带状网影、两侧不匀称的纤维化阴影、胸膜肥厚、胸膜下气肿性囊泡、气管移位、代偿性肺气肿等。七例中有五例死亡,其中三例死于本病引起的心肺功能不全,二例死于自发性气胸。 五例死者做了剖检,其病理所见:肉眼见肺表面呈灰白色、质较硬、胸膜肥厚、有多数 The authors reported on seven cases of aluminum lung that had been treated in 25 years and reviewed the literature. In the seven cases, the duration of dust exposure was 3 years to 25 years. The time from the start of dusting to the onset of symptoms was the shortest of three years, the highest was 10 years, and four of the seven cases were complicated by tuberculosis (57.1%). Initial symptoms of activity when breathing difficulties, body fatigue, cough, sputum, pulmonary disease may progress with dyspnea, dry cough, chest pain, loss of appetite, weight loss and other symptoms. X-ray of the disease seen as pulmonary fibrosis with mediastinal shadow increased, the whole lung field with banded mesh shadow, uneven fibrosis on both sides of the shadow, pleural hypertrophy, subpleural emphysematous vesicles, tracheal displacement , Compensatory emphysema and so on. Five of the seven died, three died of cardiopulmonary insufficiency caused by the disease and two died of spontaneous pneumothorax. Five dead were done necropsy, the pathology seen: the naked eye see the lung surface was gray, hard quality, pleural hypertrophy, the majority
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4月26日至28日,由信息产业部电信研究院主办的“2004全球 NGN 高峰论坛”在京召开。此次峰会围绕 NGN 发展现状、技术趋势、业务应用和市场前景等内容,深入探讨中国和国际未