Problems and Countermeasures to Timber Trade between China and Russian Far East Region

来源 :Chinese Forestry Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hujinjinliang
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The shortfall of timber resource in China constantly keeps about 150 million m3, which mainly relies on import to fill in the gap. However, Russia, the key timber supply state of China, has encouraged the development of its national intensive timber processing and therefore the Russian Far East Region started to gradually restrict log export. To this end, this paper analyzes the situation of forest industry and timber production in Russian Far East and discusses the current status and existing problems in timber trade between Russian Far East and China. At the end, the paper presents policy recommendation for future timber trade between Russian Far East and China and views their forestry cooperation prospect. However, Russia, the key timber supply state of China, has encouraged the development of its national intensive timber processing and therefore the To this end, this paper analyzes the situation of forest industry and timber production in Russian Far East and discusses the current status and existing problems in timber trade between Russian Far East and China. At the end, the paper presents policy recommendation for future timber trade between Russian Far East and China and views their forestry cooperation prospect.
第 1期牛心朴子草抗植物病毒组分的生物活性研究……………………姚宇澄 ,杨 火召 ,高 俊 ,安天英 ,于学舜 ,李广仁 ,黄润秋 ( 1)铁基无硫无铬型 CO高温变换催化剂的研制
9月25 B至30日,全球最大规模的照相器材展览会——Photokina 2002国际摄影展在德国科隆举行。本届展会吸引了来自世界各国的相机、咬卷和家用电器厂商参展,而爱普生展出的数