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大学英语教育普遍存在应试教育,以四六级考试为导向,注重阅读的练习,对英语的应用和口语训练稀少,导致学生英语应用能力普遍低,影响未来个人事业的发展和国家的发展。因此急需改变目前的英语教育模式,将应用英语学切切实实的融入到英语教育中,提高国民的英文应用水平,强大祖国的教育事业,为祖国培养高端的后备人才。 The college English education generally exists examination-oriented education. Exam-oriented reading with CET-4 exams focuses on the practice of reading. The application of English and the sparse training of oral English have led to the generally low ability of students to apply English, affecting the development of personal undertakings and national development in the future. Therefore, we urgently need to change the current mode of English education, apply English learning to English education, improve the English language proficiency of our countrymen, strengthen the education of the motherland, and train high-end reserve talents for our motherland.
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第 1期牛心朴子草抗植物病毒组分的生物活性研究……………………姚宇澄 ,杨 火召 ,高 俊 ,安天英 ,于学舜 ,李广仁 ,黄润秋 ( 1)铁基无硫无铬型 CO高温变换催化剂的研制