The Fat King胖国王减肥记

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  There is a story abouta Fat King. Long longago, the King loved allkinds of delicious food,but he hated doing sports,so he wasvery fat. At last, he did more sportsand he became slim and handsome.
  ACTORS:朱冯源 何雨涵 李思淇
  赵佳男 高子沐 朱逸轩
  胡桓瑞 张婧怡
  Aside: Long long ago, there was a king. He loved allkinds of delicious food, but he hated doingsports, so people called him "The Fat King".Now, it' s time for holding morning court. Theking is ready to start. Lookl He is comingl
  The Official: The king is coming.
  The King: I' m so tired, please help me to sit down.
  The King: Oh, I'm hungry, give me some delicious foodl
  The Official: Serve our king quicklyl
  Cookl: Here is a roast duck, and here is a big cake.
  Cook2: Here is chicken, and here is an ice-cream.
  Cook3: Here is a hamlourger, and here are the chipsl
  Aside: Our king ' s favorite food is the fried food.
  The Official: Dear king, please get your dinner.
  The King : (eat quickly)Ah, yummy, yummy I That ' s very goodl
  Aside: When the King is eating, our gentle and slim queencomes out.
  Queen: Our king is very kind and lovely, but he is too fat because he is always eating.
  Aside: The king keeps eating day after day. And now hisbody cannot take it anymore.
  The King: What a nice dayl I'd like to go walking. Servantsl
  Six female servants:
  ome on. Dear my Kingl
  The King: Oh, I' m so tired. Let me sit down. I' m slipping, help mel
  The Officials: Ah, elp our King I
  Servants: Let ' s go.
  The King: I cannot move anymore. Help mel Call my doctor.
  Queen: Be patient. Just wait, I will call the royal doctor at once.
  Royal doctor: Dear King, I will check up on you. You are ill.You need to take care of yourself. It ' s seriousl
  Aside: Our king is too fat.
  All: Oh, too fat. Too fat.
  Servant l: What can we do?
  Servant 2: What can we do?
  Servant 3: Let ' s give some suggestions to help our Kingl
  The servants: Let ' s help our King to get sliml
  The King: Oh, I'm hungry againl
  Aside: Here are some delicious foodl
  Royal Doctor l: Our King is ill. Because he ate too much junkfood. Get out of here. Dear King, you are overweight. Let me give you a list of healthyexercises. You must do more sports tomorrow.
  Royal Doctor 2: You can run, play ball games and swim. Thenyou will be healthy and slim.
  Aside: I wish our King could be healthier andslimmerl Oh, our King has a beautifulprincess. The princess is kind. She alsolikes doing sports very much. So, she isvery slim. Look, our princess is comingl
  Princess: Hi, everyone. I' m the Princess. I often make peoplehappy. But I have some troubles these days. My deardaddy is ill. Doctor says he needs to exercise more. Comewith me, Daddy. Let ' s try the hula-hoop!
  King: All right.
  All: (loudly) Round and round, thinner and thinner.
  Aside: Our King becomes slim. And his hard work pays off.All the people think our King becomes handsome. Andour King is very very happyl
  The King: Ha ha. I' m healthy. I' m strong. Let' s do some sports togetherl
  Music: Let ' s all work together. Teamwork is great .We will succeed!
  (The End)
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