
来源 :土壤通报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:edwardlj
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砂姜黑土是低产农业土壤之一,但目前还缺乏针对砂姜黑土土属的改良对策研究。通过野外调查和室内测试,对河南省砂姜黑土区不同砂姜黑土土属的剖面形态和主要理化性质进行分析,并结合第二次土壤普查成果,归纳总结出了各土属存在的主要问题及改良重点:(1)所有土属耕层均需加深耕,提高有机质和全氮含量,改良较黏的质地;(2)砂姜黑土和石灰性砂姜黑土两个土属需治理砂姜和砂姜磐,砂姜黑土土属还需清除铁锰结核,青黑土和石灰性青黑土两个土属还需改善土体结构,石灰性青黑土还注意耕层粉粒过多的问题,漂白砂姜黑土需注意白浆化问题,覆盖砂姜黑土和石灰性覆盖砂姜黑土两个土属需根据覆盖层的质地情况决定是否需要改良。 Shajiang black soil is one of the low-yielding agricultural soils, but there is still a lack of research on the improvement measures of the Shajiang black soil. Through the field investigation and indoor test, the profile shape and the main physical and chemical properties of different Shajiang black soil genus in shajiang black soil region of Henan Province were analyzed. Based on the results of the second soil survey, the main problems existed in each soil genus And improvement focus: (1) All tillage layers need to deepen tillage, increase the content of organic matter and total nitrogen, and improve the sticky texture. (2) Two types of soil, namely lime concretion and calcareous lime concretion, And sand ginger pan, sand ginger black soil is also needed to remove iron and manganese nodules, black soil and lime black soil two soil genus still need to improve soil structure, calcareous black soil also pay attention to the problem of excessive grain, Bleached lime ginger black soil should pay attention to the problem of white pulp, covering lime black soil and calcareous lime soil cover two black soil is required according to the texture of the coating to decide whether the need for improvement.
一、教师对口语交际内涵的理解出现了偏颇,使交际话题降低了“交际含量”笔者以为,话题“交际含量”的缺失与教师对口语交际内涵的理解不到位有关。据调 First, teachers ’
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教材版本人教版四下第五单元教学过程一、谈话导入,理解生命1.师:本单元我们学习了《触摸春天》《永生的眼睛》《生命生命》和《花的勇气》四篇 Teaching material version
SATA作为一种高速串行,点对点传输的硬盘接口,已取代了IDE硬盘接口。目前在硬盘中使用较为普遍的是SATAII和SATAIII,其线速率分别达到了3 Gbit·s-1和6 Gbit·s-1。文中对SAT