
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(眼科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ktcalf
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Purpose: To evaluate the ocular circulation in diabetic patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). Methods: Thirty diabetic patients with diabetic retinopathy of grade 20 or 35, as evaluated by the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study, were studied. They were divided into those without CAD (15 cases) and those with CAD (over 75% stenosis of carotid artery; 15 cases). All underwent standard ophthalmic examinations and orbital color Doppler imaging. Fifteen healthy controls underwent the same examinations. Results: The peak systolic velocity in the central retinal artery was significantly lower in the two diabetic groups. The end-diastolic velocity in the central retinal artery was significantly lower only in the diabetic patients with CAD. There were no significant intergroup differences in blood flow velocities in the ophthalmic artery, short posterior ciliary artery, and central retinal vein. The blood flow waves were flattened in the diastolic phase for all orbital arteries in significantly more eyes in the diabetic patients with CAD. Echocardiography, performed only in the diabetic patients with CAD, showed that 10 cases (67% ) had reduced systolic functions and/or diastolic functions and/or asynergy of the left ventricle. Conclusions: A decrease in blood flow velocities in the diastolic phase was found in diabetic patients with CAD. The findings indicate that this is probably related to the decrease in cardiac output. Methods: To evaluate the ocular circulation in diabetic patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). Methods: Thirty diabetic patients with diabetic retinopathy of grade 20 or 35, as evaluated by the Early Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy Study, were studied. They were divided into those Fifteen healthy controls underwent the same examinations. Fifteen healthy controls underwent the same examinations. Results: The peak systolic velocity in the The end-diastolic velocity in the two diabetic groups was significantly lower only in the diabetic patients with CAD. There were no significant intergroup differences in blood flow velocities in the ophthalmic artery, short posterior ciliary artery, and central retinal vein. The blood flow waves were flattened in the diastolic phase for all orbital arteries i had significantly reduced eyes in the diabetic patients with CAD. Echocardiography, performed only in the diabetic patients with CAD, showed that 10 cases (67%) had reduced systolic functions and / or diastolic functions and / or asynergy of the left ventricle. Conclusions: A decrease in blood flow velocities in the diastolic phase was found in diabetic patients with CAD. The findings indicate that this is probably probably related to the decrease in cardiac output.
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摘要 班主任工作繁琐而劳累。然而,在这劳烦之中加一点细心,加一点爱心,再加一点耐心,这班主任工作就会变得少了些许烦躁和焦虑,变得有滋有味起来。  关键词 班主任 细心 爱心 耐心  班主任工作对孩子的教育,不是工厂的流水线,不是为把孩子培养成一个模子里出来的工业成品,而应是栽培一棵棵树苗,当这些小树长出多余的枝桠时,与其强硬地折断它们,不如顺它们的长势修剪和嫁接。也许不是每一棵树苗都能长成参天大树
1问题的提出如图1,已知点A是第一象限内横坐标为2 3~(1/2)的一个定点,AC⊥x轴,垂足为M,交直线y=-x于点N。若点P是线段ON上的一个动点,∠APB=30°,BA⊥PA,则点P在线段ON上运动