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乔埃是大萧条时期受害者中一个失业矿工的儿子。他的母亲去世了,他无家可归,流落街头,无人管教。一天,他同一伙比他年岁大的男孩子把石块堆在铁路的轨道上造成火车出轨,几乎使火车司机丧命。那些大孩子被送进工读学校,问题是怎么处理乔埃,因为他只有九岁。当我们听说这件事后,提出叫他同我们在海滨住两周。营养食品、大海、阳光和新鲜的空气会对他有好处,等以后有了合适地方安排他再说。那时我不知道下一步该怎么办。乔埃是搭公共汽车来的。他是个面色苍白、瘦得皮包骨 Joe was the son of an unemployed miners victim of the Great Depression. His mother died, he was homeless, street, unregulated. One day, he and a group of boys older than him piled stones on rails in the railroad to derail the train, almost killing the train driver. The big boys were taken to work-study school, the question is how to deal with Joey, because he is only nine years old. When we heard about it, we asked him to live with us for two weeks on the beach. Nutritious foods, the sea, the sunshine and the fresh air will be good for him, and later have the right place to arrange for him to say again. I did not know what to do next. Joey is coming by bus. He is pale and skinny
肝细胞癌因肝硬化及多发病灶 ,切除常受限制 ,虽也有能行根治性切除病例 ,但肝内微小转移及多中心病灶致使仍有 80 %病例 5年内复发。鉴于非外科治疗也可起较大作用 ,作者从
Objective: To investigate the clinical significance of cell adhesive molecule (CD44) expression on periphery blood (PB) of patients with gastric cancer. Methods
[目的]探讨经皮肝胆道内涵管置入治疗梗阻性黄疸的疗效及并发症。[方法]对48例梗阻性黄疸患者分为两组,28 例为内涵管组,行经皮肝穿胆道内涵管置入术;20例为对照组,用一般内科治疗(利胆、护