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一、哪里需要就在哪里建校河南禹县是一个淺山区。全县山地有120余万亩,占耕地总面积的55.63%;有22万多人住在山区,占人口总数的33.3%;可見建設山区对禹县来說是有很大的意义。禹县县委根据省委的指示“使山区人民作好水土保持工作,因地制宜地合理利用土地,正确地安排农业、林业、畜牧业的发展”,决定大力开发山区、建设山区。因此,县委便决定在山区创办一所民办性貭的紅专大学,培养大批具有坚定的无产阶极立場观点,掌握馬克思列宁主义理論,又有一定的专門科学技术知識的技术人員;在山区安家落戶,当名副其实的第一代有文化的新式农民。大学設在什么地方呢?不在城市,也不在平原,要治山就办在山里边。他們把大学就設在天王寨上。天王寨紧靠鳩山,因此便叫做鴆山紅专大学。这座古老的山寨,原是百余年前人民避灾躲难的地方,从来沒有安过人家。寨內只有32个破石洞,野草布滿山崗, First, where the need to build school Henan Yu County is a shallow mountain. The county has more than 120 acres of mountainous land, accounting for 55.63% of the total area of ​​cultivated land; more than 220,000 people live in mountainous areas, accounting for 33.3% of the total population; shows the construction of mountains for Yu County is of great significance. According to the provincial Party committee’s instructions, “make the mountain people do water and soil conservation work, according to local conditions to make rational use of land, and properly arrange the development of agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry”, decided to vigorously develop mountain areas and build mountain areas. Therefore, the county Party committee decided to set up a private college in the mountainous area to cultivate a large number of technicians with a firm proletarian standpoint, mastering Marxist-Leninist theory and a certain degree of expertise in science and technology. In mountainous areas Settle down, when the veritable first generation of new farmers with culture. Where is the university located? Not in the city, nor in the plains, to rule the mountains to do in the mountains. They set the university on the King of Zhai. King Wadang close to Hatoyama, so called Dangshan Hongzhuan University. This ancient cottage was originally a place where refugees dreaded a hundred years ago and never lived up to their expectations. Walled within only 32 broken caves, weeds covered with hills,
现在,有人说克娄巴特拉事实上并非绝代佳人,但她的确无愧于历史上最迷人的女子这一称号。 Now, some people say that Cleopatra is not in fact the best woman, but she i
目的:评价施沛特对膝关节原发性骨关节病的临床疗效. 方法:关节腔内注射玻璃酸钠注射液(施沛特)治疗32例膝关节原发性骨关节. 结果:施沛特对膝关节原发性骨关节病疼痛
目前,癌症是全世界导致人类死亡的第二大原因,食管癌(esophageal cancer,EC)在癌症致死中位居第六,而我国EC的发病率及死亡率又均居世界首位.因此,迫切需要寻找有效的防治药