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各市人民政府、行署,各县(市)人民政府,省政府各部门、各直属机构,各大企业,各高等院校: 省政府同意《山东省企业职工基本养老保险省级统筹实施办法》,现印发给你们,望认真贯彻执行。企业职上基本养老保险实行省级统筹,是进一步深化我省养老保险制度改革,完善社会保障体系,确保养老金按时足额发放的重要举措,涉及到地区及行业间利益的调整,政策性强,难度较大。各地、各部门、各单位都要从促进企业改革发展和保持社会稳定的大局出发,充分认识实行省级统筹的重要性和紧迫性,切实加强领导,精心组织实施。各级社会保险机构要注意保持工作的连续性,不准自行扩大企业职工提前退休的范围,不准随意提高离退休 Municipal People’s Governments, administrative offices, people’s governments of all counties (cities), departments of provincial governments, all subordinate agencies, major enterprises and colleges and universities: The provincial government agrees with the Measures for the Overall Implementation of Basic Endowment Insurance for Shandong Province Enterprises and Employees, Now I have issued it to you and hopefully implement it. The implementation of provincial-level overall planning for enterprise-level basic pension insurance is an important measure for further deepening the reform of the pension insurance system in our province, perfecting the social security system and ensuring that pensions are paid in full and on time, and involves the adjustment of interests among regions and industries and strong policies , More difficult. All localities, departments and units should proceed from the overall situation of promoting the reform and development of enterprises and maintaining social stability, fully understand the importance and urgency of implementing provincial-level overall planning, earnestly strengthen leadership and carefully organize and implement them. Social insurance institutions at all levels should pay attention to maintaining the continuity of their work and prohibit their own employees from expanding their retirement by themselves and refrain from arbitrarily raising their retirees
通过对湛江港口经济的SWOT分析,了解湛江港的实际状况后,提出了关于其临港产业的发展方向的一些建议。 Through the SWOT analysis of Zhanjiang port economy, understand
现代人非常爱喝的速溶咖啡和奶茶,其实不是好东西。它们含有大量奶精,这是一种反式脂肪酸,会减少男性激素 Modern people love to drink instant coffee and milk tea, in f
从中小企业用户的角度来说.对交换机的要求其实非常清晰,那就是在保证端口数量的前提下,追求最高的性能/价格比。我们此次评测的3Com SuperStack 3 Baseline 10/100交换机(3
  目的 由于普通病人裤无放置引流袋的地方,当患者下床行走时必须用手携引流袋,或将引流袋用别针别在衣服,不仅外观不雅,而且不方便,容易导致引流管的脱出.为了做好引流管