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银杏系果材两用树种,为我国特产。因培育银杏约需20年才结果,故又名“公孙树”,即爷爷种树,孙孙吃果之意;其叶似鸭掌,又名“鸭脚树”;果核白色,俗称“白果”。银杏是裸子植物,起源于古生代二叠纪和三叠纪之间、新生代第四纪冰川期后,世界其它地区皆已灭绝,我国仅存,目前在浙江天目山还有冰川时代留传下来的野生状态银杏分布,成为我国特产的“活化石”植物,这种象征中华民族悠久历史和文化的“中国树”,在科研和教学中有十分重要的作用。银杏叶含有莽草酸,谷甾醇、维生素等化学物质,是提炼一系列防治心血管、脑血管等疾病的重要药材。鲜叶可治蚜虫,菜青虫、稻螟等害虫,方法是:将鲜叶捣烂,加10倍水,煮半小时,滤出清液 Ginkgo biloba tree species, for our specialty. It takes about 20 years to cultivate ginkgo results, it is also known as “Gongsun Shu”, that is, grandfather planting trees, grandson eat fruit meaning; its leaves like duck palm, also known as “duck foot tree”; fruit white, commonly known as “ ginkgo”. Ginkgo is a gymnosperm, originated in the Paleozoic Permian and Triassic, between the Cenozoic glacial period, the rest of the world have been extinct, the only remaining in China, there are still in the Tianmu Mountain in Zhejiang Glacier Retained the wild state Ginkgo distribution, become China’s specialty of “living fossils” plants, a symbol of the Chinese nation has a long history and culture of the “Chinese tree”, in scientific research and teaching has a very important role. Ginkgo biloba contains shikimic acid, sitosterol, vitamins and other chemicals, is to extract a series of important cardiovascular disease prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Fresh leaves can cure aphids, Pieris rapae, rice stem borer and other pests, the method is: the fresh leaves smashed, add 10 times the water, cook for half an hour, filter out the supernatant