著名的乒乓葡萄是当今世界葡萄王国中的一支奇葩,最大的直径比乒乓球大出0.5厘米:大面积平均颗粒也可以达到25克。且含糖量高,肉质香脆,风味独特,市场俏销。山西省栖霞市铁口镇荆子埠农民林世宽种植一亩地,收入达3万元,另外卖种苗就获利1万元。 乒乓葡萄学名“藤稔”原名“总统”,穗重500克左右。肥水管理好的条件下高达1200克。落花落果轻,座果率高,果粒着生较紧密。果粒巨大,最大粒重35克。多数果粒
The famous ping pong grapes is a wonderful flower in the grape kingdom in the world today. The largest diameter is 0.5 cm bigger than the ping pong ball. The average particle size can reach 25 g. And high sugar content, meat crisp, unique flavor, the market Qiao Xiao. Shanxi Province Qixia Tiekou Jingzi Port farmer Lin Shikuan planted an acre of land, income of 30,000 yuan, while selling seedlings on the profit of 10,000 yuan. Pingtung grape scientific name “Fujieda” formerly known as “President”, spike weight of about 500 grams. Fertilizer managed well under up to 1200 grams. Falling flowers and fruit light, high fruit rate, fruit with the students closer. Fruit huge, maximum grain weight 35 grams. Most fruit