Desulphurization of Hot Metal and Ferronickel With Calcium Aluminate Fluxes

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:BlueHeart1111
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Traditionally, fluxes containing calcium fluoride and other additives are used for the treatment of hot metal and molten steel. Recently, magnesium powder or lime-Mg mixture is used more popularly in hot metal desulphurization. However, the use of calcium fluoride has been restricted due to environmental concerns, and the supply of magnesium is uncertain for the countries, which are short of magnesium resource. For those reasons, calcium aluminate fluxes are a possible alternative to replace slags containing calcium fluoride or magnesium. Calcium aluminate fluxes can be produced from three different raw materials: (1) high-quality bauxite, (2) residuals from aluminum dross treatment processes and (3) waste products from alumina production. Due to the limited amount and high cost associated with high-quality bauxite, the other two sources are preferred based on both economic and environmental considerations. The objective of this paper is to examine the use of waste slags and by-products from the aluminum industry as potential refining fluxes for the steel industry so that waste disposal from the aluminum industry can be reduced with economical and environmental benefits for both industrial sectors. Traditionally, fluxes containing calcium fluoride and other additives are used for the treatment of hot metal and molten steel. Recently, magnesium powder or lime-Mg mixture is used more popularly in hot metal desulphurization. However, the use of calcium fluoride has been restricted due to environmental concerns, and the supply of magnesium is uncertain for the countries, which are short of magnesium resources. Calcium aluminate fluxes can be produced from three different raw materials: (1) high-quality bauxite, (2) residuals from aluminum dross treatment processes and (3) waste products from alumina production. Due to the limited amount and high cost associated with high-quality bauxite, the other two sources are preferred based on both economic and environmental considerations. The objective of this paper is to examine the use of waste slags and by-product s from the aluminum industry as potential refining fluxes for the steel industry so that waste disposal from the aluminum industry can be reduced with economical and environmental benefits for both industrial sectors.
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作者简介:李平英(1969.2-),性别:女;民族:汉;籍贯:安徽;职称:会计师、审计师;学历:本科,单位:南京医药合肥天星有限公司。  摘要:应收账款是企业因销售商品和劳务等经营活动而产生的应向客户收取的款项,属于一年以内的短期债权。应收账款的产生犹如横在企业心头的一把剑,为企业增加了销售、利润,减少了存货,实现经营目标。同时,如果企业管理不力或未能如期回收应收账款,将会造成损失。本文对应收账款