
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lydiajiao
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Background. Approximately 30%of patients with chronic hepatitis C have normal serumalanine amino transferase (ALT) levels. While interferon (IFN) mono therapy is approved for patients with chronic hepatitis C infection, the effectiveness of such therapy for chronic hepatitis C patients with normal ALT levels at commencement of treatment remains poorly understood. Methods. Ninety four individuals (M/F, 54∶40; median age, 46 years) with normal ALT levels (< 50 IU/ 1) at the commencement of treatment who were positive for both antihepatitis C virus (HCV) and serum HCV RNA were studied. Among this group, 18 individuals (M/F, 9∶9; median age, 50 years) had had persistently normal ALT levels for at least 3 months prior to treatment. All patients received their first course of IFN therapy in this study. Results. Forty three (45.7 %) of 94 individuals had lost serum HCV RNA at 6 months after cessation of therapy (complete response; CR). The proportion of patients with genotype 2a and HCV RNA level over 1 Meq/ml who showed CR was significantly lower in those with normal ALT levels than in those with elevated ALT levels (23.8%vs 55.6%; P = 0.0189). Two patients who had persistently normal ALT levels and HCV RNA level over 1 Meq/ml were non responders (NR) and had ALT flare ups after IFN therapy. Patients with HCV RNA levels of less than 1 Meq/ml did not show differential responses based on ALT levels. Conclusions. Our data suggest that IFN therapy is effective for patients with normal ALT levels and less than 1 Meq/ml HCV RNA. Thus, such patients should be considered for curative IFN therapy. Background: Approximately 30% of patients with chronic hepatitis C have normal serumalanine amino transferase (ALT) levels. While interferon (IFN) mono therapy is approved for patients with chronic hepatitis C infection, the effectiveness of such therapy for chronic hepatitis C patients with normal ALT levels at commencement of treatment remains poorly understood. Methods. Ninety four individuals (M / F, 54:40; median age, 46 years) with normal ALT levels (<50 IU / 1) at the commencement of treatment who were positive for All this group, 18 individuals (M / F, 9: 9; median age, 50 years) had had persistently normal ALT levels for at least 3 months prior to treatment. All patients received their first course of IFN therapy in this study. Results. Forty three (45.7%) of 94 individuals had lost serum HCV RNA at 6 months after cessation of therapy (CR). The proportion of patients with genotype 2a and HCV R NA levels over 1 Meq / ml who showed CR was significantly lower in those with normal ALT levels than those with elevated ALT levels (23.8% vs 55.6%; P = 0.0189). Two patients who had persistently normal ALT levels and HCV RNA levels over 1 Meq / ml were non responders (NR) and had ALT flare ups after IFN therapy. Patients with HCV RNA levels of less than 1 Meq / ml did not show differential responses based on ALT levels. Conclusions. Our data suggest that IFN therapy is effective for patients with normal ALT levels and less than 1 Meq / ml HCV RNA.
P198 在假定SARS爆发期间 ,对呼吸道发热性疾病患者的管理模式 / /KamranKhan ,PeterMuennig ,MichaelGardam ,等自从世界卫生组织在 2 0 0 3年 7月宣布全球SARS爆发的疫情
“我就是做了一点大家都能做的事,生命很宝贵,有能力救时就得义无反顾。”乐观开朗的于莉慧给人的第一感觉是真实。于莉慧是大连志愿无偿献血者,她一次又一次用自己的行动感动着许多人,曾被评选为“2005年感动大连”十大人物之一。  1993年,于莉慧在单位组织的一次献血活动中,偶然得知自己血型是RH阴性O型。这种血型是稀有血型,10000人中才有9人是这种血型。当时医生对她说:“你不用献了,你的血太珍贵,