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听说柏耀平是飞行员出身的我国自行设计制造的新型导弹护卫舰舰长,而且是被誉为“勇敢迎接新技术革命挑战的优秀舰长”,一些善于塑造“英雄”的“笔杆子”们对年仅36岁的柏舰长产生了极大的兴趣。然而当面对柏耀平那似乎称不上事迹的事迹材料,有的“笔杆子”困惑了:这里没有董存瑞舍身炸碉堡、黄继光奋不顾身堵枪眼的英雄壮举,没有只身斗歹徒的徐洪刚拖着被刺破肚皮而流出的肠子继续追击的那种无畏和勇猛,更不是好事做了一箩筐而不留姓名的“活雷锋”,同时也没有惊天动地的科学发明和让人感动而落泪的人生磨难或日记、书信……柏耀平所做的仅仅是一个普通军人严格按照时代的要求不断挖掘自身潜能来适应日益现代化的武器装备,进而实现军人对国家和民族应尽的义务。这样的人(在人民军队中乃至12亿人民中还有许多许多)是不是时代的英雄,笔者自己也不敢妄加断言,因为英雄的丰碑不仅应当建立在被认为是历史创造者的人民的心中,而且还要经受历史长河的冲刷。为了让本文的读者能够全面、冷静、逻辑地了解这位年轻的飞行员舰长及他所献身的人民海军现代化事业,现将自己在采访中记录的柏耀平的领导、战友、同学和老师提供的这位年轻的舰长学习、工作中的那些很平常的片段,不作任何修饰、原原本本、原汁原味地提供给读者。为了使不同年龄、不同职业的读者能更准确地了解和评判柏耀平和他所献身的事业,只是在必要的地方作一些历史背景和逻辑的分析。 Heard that Bo Yaoping is a pilots born in China’s own design and manufacture of new missile convoy captain, but also known as “brave to meet the challenges of new technological revolution, the fine captain,” some good at shaping the “hero” Only 36-year-old Bo captain has had a great interest. However, in the face of the deeds and materials that Bo Yaoping can not seem to claim deeds, some of them have been confused by the fact that there are no heroines such as Dong Cunrui who lay themselves in a bomb bunker, and Huang Jiguang Belly and out of the intestines continue chasing the kind of fearless and brave, but not a good thing to do a basket without leaving a name “living Lei Feng”, but also no earth-shattering scientific inventions and touching tears of life hardships or diary , Letters ... Bo Yaoping just did an ordinary soldier in keeping with the requirements of the times continue to tap their potential to adapt to increasingly modern weapons and equipment, and thus realize the military obligations to the country and the nation. Such people (many among the people’s army and even 1.2 billion people) are not heroes of the times. The author himself can not make any improper assertion because the hero’s monument should not only be established on the basis of what is considered to be the creator of history Heart, but also to withstand the erosion of history. In order to allow readers of this article to comprehensively, calmly and logically understand the naval modernization undertaking of the young pilot captain and the people whom he has devoted himself, he will now give this reader a copy of the information provided by Bo Yaoping’s leaders, comrades, students and teachers A young captain to learn, work in those very ordinary segments, without any modification, the original, originally provided to the reader. In order to make readers of different ages and professions more accurately understand and judge Bo Ya-ping and his devoted career, he only makes some historical background and logical analysis where necessary.
也许是这些年的日子越来越好过了,本人的饮食也朝着“去粗求精”的方向发展。日长月久,竟患上了便秘这一难言之疾。每每蹲在洗手间,简直是活受罪,随你怎么吹胡子瞪眼,面孔憋得像猪肝,运足吃奶的力气,却是无济于事。无奈之余,只好以“开塞露”来“排忧解难”。唉,这个中的痛苦和烦恼,实在一言难尽。  前年深秋的一天,广西的一位朋友登门造访。他得知我患有这一疾恙之后,便用手在我的脉搏上搭了数分钟,接着对我察颜观色
在亚洲富豪中位居首席的李嘉诚 ,是香港长江实业及和记黄埔有限公司的主席 ,他许多理财秘诀 ,是值得今人学习研究的。“三十以后” ,秘诀一。打拚了50年 ,理财致富大成的李嘉诚