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  We Are Able to Live Longer
  To live forever was the dream of many emperors in ancient China. People were ordered to call them Wansui, which means 10,000 years, but no human could live that long. How long can humans really live? According to the latest scientific discovery, humans are able to live up to the age of 120 or perhaps even longer.
  Several recent studies showed that our life span(寿命) can be extended far beyond normal limits. Cynthia Kenyon, a professor at the University of California in San Francisco, doubled the life of a worm from two weeks to a month. By changing the function of a single gene, known as daf-2, the scientist not only added extra days to the worm’s life but also kept it as healthy as worms which were half its age.
  There are two similar genes in the bodies of mammals. By changing the function of one gene, scientists extended the life of a mouse by 18 per cent (or 4.5 months). Another gene is called IGF-1. Researchers still don’t know how it affects our body. But by reducing its functions, the life of a mouse increases by 33 per cent (or 8.6 months). The average life span of a mouse is 26 months.
  In the experiment of extending life, an ancient saying, “you are what you eat,” also seems to be true. Vegetables contain fewer calories than meat, and help to prolong life, scientists say. Research has found that taking in fewer calories affects our lives in a similar way to reducing IGF-1.
  US biologist John Phelan suggests low calorie diets could increase human life span, but there is no proof yet.
  Researchers are still waiting for the results of a study started in 1987. Monkeys are fed with low calorie food to see what happens. A monkey’s typical life span is 40 years, so there is a little while to wait.
  In China, average life expectancy has now reached 70, double that of 1949. Increasing the length of our lives may bring us closer to the dreams of our ancient emperors. But it may also cause social problems such as housing and employment, social scientists have warned.
  1. By changing the function of daf-2, scientists can make a worm live______.
   A. longer and healthy
   B. longer but not so healthy
   C. healthy but not longer
   D. neither longer nor healthy
  2. What does the word “prolong” in the fourth paragraph mean?
   A. improve B. lengthen
   C. change D. shorten
  3. Taking in fewer calories may______ our life span.
   A. increase B. decrease
   C. keep D. affect
  4. What is the average life span of the Chinese in 1949?
   A. 30 B. 35 C. 40 D. 45
  Do you know Finland? It is perhaps the most beautiful and mysterious in the countries of northern Europe. Two-thirds of its surface is covered with thick forests. Relative to its size, Finland has more lakes than any other country. The nothern part of this country is inside the Article Circle, where almost no trees can grow because of its cold weather and the people use their deer to transport clothing and food.
  Finnish history began in the Middle Ages. In about 1155, Finland was conquered by its western neighbour Sweden. After a period of rule by Denmark in the 14th century, the Swedes went back to independence and power in 1523 under their brave King. During the Napoleonic Wars (1804-1818), Finland was passed finally from Sweden to Russia. The opportunity came in 1917 when the Russian Revolution brought foreign rule of Finland to an end. Shortly after Soviet Russia made peace with Germany, 1919 saw the founding of the Finnish Republic.
  The years between the First and Second World Wars were years of progress and growing development. Finland is the fifth largest country in Europe, and despite a relatively small population of 5.2 million, the market potential is much greater. Finland has no coal or oil, and the nation’s wealth lies in the timber from its forests, which supplies material for paper and furniure making, and in the clectric power from its water. Finland is an excellent gateway to trading with Russia and the Baltic States because of a long history of trading with these markets. Finland has also enjoyed a strong and longstanding trading relationship with Britain, a relationship which was further strengthened by Finland’s accession to the European Union in January 1995.
  1. According to the passage, we know that Finland______.
   A. lies inside the Article Circle
   B. is next to the countries of northern Europe
   C. lies east of Sweden
   D. is entirely covered with forests and lakes
  2. Because it is very cold,______.
   A. the nothern part of Finland is inside the Article Circle
   B. almost no trees can grow in the northern part of Finland
   C. the people use their deer to transport clothing and food
   D. Finland has more lakes than any other country
  3. In the history , Finland was sequentially(相继)ruled by______.
   A. Sweden, Denmark, Sweden, and Russia
   B. Sweden, Germany, Denmark and Russia
   C. Sweden, Denmark, Russia and Germany
   D. Sweden, Russia, Denmark and Russia
  4. Which country controled Finland for as long as 100 years or so?
   A. Sweden B. Germany
   C. Denmark D. Russia
  1. A。细节判断题,可用直接就题找文法来解。原文第二节“By changing the function of a single gene, known as daf-2, the scientist not only added extra days to the worm’s life but also kept it as healthy as worms which were half its age.”体现答案。
  2. B。语境词义判断题。认真阅读分析该词所在句及前一句可知,这是一个延长寿命的实验,结合and help to的褒义语境可知,该词意为“延长”。
  3. A。推理判断题。由第四节“Research has found that taking in fewer calories affects our lives in a similar way to reducing IGF-1.”和第三节“But by reducing its functions, the life of a mouse increases by 33 per cent (or 8.6 months).”可以推出摄取少量热量可以延长寿命。
  4. B。推理判断题,可用逻辑推断法来解。由原文第七节“In China, average life expectancy has now reached 70, double that of 1949.”可以推出1949年中国人平均寿命为35岁。
  1. C。根据短文第二段第二句话:Finland was conquered by its western neighbour Sweden 可以推测出:芬兰位于瑞典东面。
  2. B。根据短文第一段最后一句话: ..., where almost no trees can grow because of its cold weather and ... 可知。
  3. A。根据短文第二段:1155年左右,芬兰由Sweden统治;14 世纪时由Denmark统治了一段时间, 1523 年 Sweden 独立后继续统治芬兰, 拿破仑战争期间(1804-1818), 芬兰由 Russia接管, 1919 年芬兰共和国成立。所以A 是正确答案。
  4. D。从拿破仑战争期间(1804-1818)开始,Russia开始统治芬兰, 到1917 年芬兰结束外国(俄罗斯)的统治,所以俄罗斯统治芬兰长达大约100年。
Ⅰ. 单词拼写  根据句意和汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词的完全形式。  1. Some people learn by _______(实验) and others learn by experience.  2. Oil, milk and water are all_______ (液体).  3. His lack of education was a_______ (不利) when he
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第一部分听力(略)  第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)  第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)  从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项  21. Cellphones or mobile phones, make possible for people to talk to anyone from_______.  A. its; anywhereB.
一、单词拼写  根据句意和汉语或首字母提示,写出句中所缺单词的完全形式。  1. The man __________(钦佩) Napoleon so much that he wanted to join his army.  2. Don’t be so __________(吝啬). Be gener-ous when you try to help your friend.  3. It