Establishment of Germ-line Competent C57BL/6J Embryonic Stem Cell Lines

来源 :Journal of Reproduction and Contraception | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hulisheng
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Objective To establish C57BL/6J embryonic stem (ES) cell lines with potential germ- line contribution Methods ES cells were isolated from blastocyst inner cell mass of C57BL/6J mice, and cultured for 15 passages, and then injected into blastococels of ICR mice blastocysts to establish chimeric mice. Results Three ES cell lines (mC57ES1,mC57ES3, mC57ES7) derived from the inner cell mass of C57BL/6J mice blastocysts were established. They were characteristic of undifferentiated state, including normal XY karyotype, expression of a specific cell surface marker “stage-specific embryonic antigen-1” and alkaline phosphatase in continuous passage. When injected into immunodeficient mice, mC57ES1 cells consis- tently differentiated into derivatives of all three embryonic germ layers. When mC57ES1 cells were transferred into ICR mice blastocysts, 4 chimeric mice have been obtained. One male of them revealed successful germ-line transmission. Conclussion We have obtained C57BL/6J ES cell lines with a potential germ-line contribution, which can be used to generate transgenic and gene knock-out mice. Objective To establish C57BL / 6J embryonic stem (ES) cell lines with potential germ-line contribution methods ES cells were isolated from blastocyst inner cell mass of C57BL / 6J mice, and cultured for 15 passages, and then into blastococcans of ICR mice blastocysts They were characteristic of undifferentiated state, including normal XY karyotype, expression of a specific cell surface (mC57ES1, mC57ES3, mC57ES7) derived from the inner cell mass of C57BL / 6J mice blastocysts were. marker “stage-specific embryonic antigen-1” and alkaline phosphatase in continuous passage. When mC57ES1 cells consis- tently differentiated into all three embryonic germ layers. When mC57ES1 cells were transferred into ICR mice blastocysts, 4 chimeric mice have been obtained. One male of the successful mam-line transmission. Conclussion We have obtained C57BL / 6J ES cell lin es with a potential germ-line contribution, which can be used to generate transgenic and gene knock-out mice.
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AIM:To examine 5’ and 3’ terminal sequences of hepatitisE virus (HEV) isolated from Morocco,to confirm 5’ methylatedcap structure of the genome,and to inves
法莫替丁是一个有效的H_2受体拮抗药,用于治疗胃、十二指肠溃疡等,但由于其水溶性低及在胃液中易水解,故其生物利用度较低,且变异性大。应用环糊精可将此药物分子 Famotidi