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自戈氏上台以来,苏联逐渐对外开放,过去的许多保密禁区和项目已不同程度地公开,有不少地点和矿山允许外国人参观,苏联的一些铀矿山和铀生产中心已对外开放。1984年在苏联召开的27界国际地质会议的许多代表参观了苏联多处铀矿山和铀生产中心。美国人对苏联的铀矿山和铀生产有较高的评价,他们认为苏联的铀矿处理技术先进,铀矿开采和生产的综合利用效益高,成本低,而且有很大的铀生产能力。在核燃料生产方面苏联处于世界领先地位,根据近一年来美国人对苏联系子能工业的报道,苏联也确实有些东西是值得吸收的。本文是根据美国核子交易公司(NUEXCO)1990年2月出版的258期月报编译的。该文对于了解苏联,洽谈项目和出国参观都有较大参考价值。 Since Goez took office, the Soviet Union has gradually opened up to the outside world. Many secret seclusion areas and projects in the past have been disclosed to varying degrees. Many places and mines allow foreigners to visit. Some Soviet uranium mines and uranium production centers have been opened to the outside world. Many representatives of the 27-nation international geological conference held in the Soviet Union in 1984 visited many uranium mines and uranium production centers in the Soviet Union. The Americans have a high evaluation of the Soviet Union’s uranium mines and uranium production. They believe that the Soviet Union has advanced uranium ore processing technologies, has a high degree of comprehensive utilization of uranium mining and production, has a low cost, and has great uranium production capacity. In the nuclear fuel production, the Soviet Union is in a leading position in the world. According to Americans’ reports on the Soviet Union’s energy industry in the past year, the Soviet Union does have some things that are worth absorbing. This article was compiled based on the 258 monthly report published by NUEXCO in February 1990. This article has great reference value for understanding the Soviet Union, negotiating projects and going abroad.
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一、危机 1988下半年开始,我国能源供应突然出现危机状态。一是能源全面紧张。油品、电力供需矛盾进一步加剧,煤炭供应再度紧张;华东、东北等沿海地区缺口进一步扩大,其它地
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