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中国历史学家范文澜有一句名言:“板凳要坐十年冷,文章不写一句空。”说的是做文章、成事业,必须要修炼真功夫,要耐得住寂寞,要摒弃浮躁,扎扎实实,埋头苦干。这对中国本土广告业来说,是一条警句。中国本土广告,即使从80年代算起,与国际先进广告比起来尚有上百年的差距。这种差距突出体现在广告业赖以生存发展的经济环境土壤,广告业赖以成业的理论体系、操作体系、运营管理体系,专业、职业的从业人才队伍等几方面的空白、落后和差距。上世纪80年代末、90年代初,当跨国广告公司带着他们成熟的理论、操作体系和运营管理体系,专业精深的人才队伍,丰富的实战操作经验来到改革开放后的中国时,中国专业广告市场几乎还是 Chinese historian Fan Wenlan has a famous saying: “The bench to sit ten years cold, the article does not write an empty. ” Said is writing an article, into a career, you must practice kung fu, to be able to endure loneliness, to abandon Impetuous, down-to-earth, hard work. This is an aphorism for China’s local advertising industry. Chinese local advertising, even from the 80’s, has hundreds of years of difference compared with international advanced advertising. This gap is highlighted in the economic environment on which the advertising industry depends for its survival and development. The blank, backwardness and gaps in the theoretical system, operating system, operation management system, professional and professional personnel employed by the advertising industry, etc. . In the late 1980s and early 1990s, when multinational advertising companies came to China after the reform and opening up with their mature theories, operating systems and operation management systems, professional and experienced personnel and rich practical experience, China Professional Advertising market is almost still
据悉,Sun的Starfire日前选择了APC的Symme-tra电源阵列作为其电源保护产品。 APC的Symmetra电源阵列技术是专为企业服务器和商业关键应用设计的,其系统可用性高达99.99%,高
【正】 China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation(Sinopec Corp.,SH:600028)announcedon September 27th,its Board of Direc-tors has agreed the issuance of convert-ible
一、“我的夫人”满天飞最近,我以“我的夫人”为关键词,用 google 引擎在互联网上搜索,得到6170项查询结果。其中自然有重复。就是去掉重复,剩下的数字也不会小。这里姑举
OBJECTIVE To investigate the effect of endostatin and doxycycline on melanoma cellular proliferation and tumor angiogenesis.METHODS The effects of endostatin an