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蒂莫西·斯塔克波尔是纽约的一名老消防队员,21年来,他参加过纽约许多大火灾的救援战斗,1998年一场大火差点夺去了他的生命。由于他功绩卓著,2001年9月10日他终于被提拔为上尉。第二天,也就是9月11日,纽约世界贸易大厦双子大楼被恐怖分子用两架客机撞击后起火,纽约几乎所有的消防队员依令前去扑灭大火。后来大厦倒塌,有343名消防队员不幸以身殉职,斯塔克波尔就是其中的一员。 Timothy Stockport, a New York-based veteran firefighter, spent 21 years fighting in the rescue and rescue operations of many major New York firefighting operations. In 1998, a fire almost killed him. Because of his outstanding achievements, he was finally promoted to captain on September 10, 2001. The next day, September 11, the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City was hit by terrorists with two passenger planes and a fire broke out. Almost all New York firefighters ordered to extinguish the fire. Later, the building collapsed, with 343 firefighters unluckily died, Stark Poll is one of them.
  Rapid and sensitive detection of Bacillus anthracis is one of the priority tasks of modem biosecurity.Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) remain the gold standard
Wang Junxia—Super Runner Running like a deer on the track at full speed, Wang Junxia dashed to the finish line among the audience’s thunderous applause and c
  We are developing a monoclonal antibody that recognizes an oncofetal glycoepitope as a potential probe for identifying cancer stem cells.Mannitou antibody l
  L-DOS47 is a protein conjugate consisting of a llama single chain antibody covalently bound to jack bean urease through a chemical linker.The llama antibody
长篇神话小说《西游记》的作者吴承恩小时候家里挺穷,常常连买纸张的钱也没有。吴承恩的父亲是个细心的读书人。有一天,他从湖边经过,发 Wu Chengen, the author of a long
霍勒斯·格兰特左手戴着两枚锦标赛戒指,兄弟哈维有一个1700万美元的合同,他们的妈妈幸福地微笑着……当时对篮球明星驾车缓缓穿过阿华斯烤肉馆旁的小巷 Horace Grant left
粗犷而鲜明的绞纹使粗毛线短上衣更有休闲随意的流行风。土黄色与黑色暗花丝巾搭配沉着优雅。按图示纹样编结图案。 Rough and sharp twist so that the rough wool shirt