編輯同志: 我們看到了「人民敎育」三月號上發表的張德增同志對「學校敎導工作的組織」一書譯文的批評以後,感到我們在工作中確有粗枝大葉的作風,這是不可原諒的。發生這些錯誤的原因,一方面是限於我們的翻譯水平,但更主要的是自己對工作缺乏責任感,工作態度不够嚴肅、認眞。張德增同志所提出的批評是完全正確的,我們誠懇地表示接受。我們感謝張德增同志對我們的幫助,也感謝
Comrade editor: After we saw Comrade Zhang Dezeng’s criticism of the translation of “School Leadership Education Organization” published in the March issue of “People’s Consciousness for Education”, we feel that it is unforgivable that we have a crude style in our work. of. The reasons for these mistakes are, on the one hand, limited to our level of translation, but more importantly, they lack a sense of responsibility for their work and their working attitude is not serious enough to be recognized. Comrade Zhang Dezeng’s criticisms are entirely correct. We sincerely express our acceptance. We thank Comrade Zhang Dezeng for his help and thanks