拓展发展空间 构建开放格局

来源 :四川党的建设(城市版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:w_r_c_h
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潮涌西部,开放四川。改革开放20多年来,我省初步形成了全方位、多层次、宽领域的开放格局,对内对外开放进入一个新的阶段。以外贸进出口和外资引进为主要内容的外外向型经济,已成为推动我省经济社会发展的重要力量。胸怀全球,放眼世界,面对国际,国内新一轮生产要素优化重维和产业转移的得大机遇,省委作出了建设“开放四川”的战略决策,这是实现四川发展新跨越、全面建设小康社会的必然选择。抓住机遇,应对换汇战,就要创新求变,建设“开放四川”为此,全省对外会议为我们描绘了值得期待的前景——我们要建设的“开放四川”,应当是思想开明解放、社会和谐包容的四川,应当是市场发育充分、要素流动自由的四川,应当是外向经济发达,对外交流话跃的四川,应当是政府廉洁高效、发展环境优越的四川。 Tide west, open Sichuan. Over the past 20 years of reform and opening up, the province has initially formed an all-dimensional, multi-level and broad-area open pattern and entered a new stage of opening up to the outside world. The outward-oriented economy featuring foreign trade imports and exports and the introduction of foreign investment has become an important force for promoting the economic and social development in our province. In the face of the world and the world, in the face of the great opportunity of optimizing the new dimension of peace and peace and industry transfer with the new round of factors of production at home and abroad, the provincial party committee has made the strategic decision of building “opening up Sichuan”. This is to achieve a new leap forward in Sichuan’s development and the all-round construction of a well-off society The inevitable choice of society. To seize the opportunity and respond to the exchange war, innovation and change will be necessary to build an “open Sichuan.” To this end, the foreign conference of the province described the prospect we are looking forward to - the “open Sichuan” we want to build should be open-minded Sichuan, with its liberated and harmonious society, should be an island with a full market and a free flow of elements. Sichuan, with its developed economy and its foreign exchange, should be a clean and efficient government with a favorable environment for development.
来到联合会和商会所在地,高鼻子蓝眼睛的哥迪姆秘书长和高露丝女士一口流利的中文,一下拉近了我们的距离。 Came to the Federation and the Chamber of Commerce location,
In this work, the excited states of the title compounds are calculated by using time- dependent density functional theory (TDDFT). Firstly, the variation of the
“吃”的是氢气 “吐”的是水 “Eat” is hydrogen “spit” is water
Spice是一种新型滥用物质,近几年来在欧美一些国家流行滥用现象比较严重,已经引起欧洲药物及药物成瘾监测中心(EMCDDA)和国际麻醉品管制 Spice is a new substance of abuse