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中国的证券市场创造了一个世界之最:拥有股民数最多。人们向证券市场投资的热潮,使近年来的中国证券业也插上的翅膀,腾飞起来。在把目光聚焦于中国证券市场的人群中,除了泱泱的股民外,还有许多大大小小的信息技术供应商,大到排名前几位的国际著名软硬件公司,小到只作一两个专用软件的新公司,他们在积极地鼓动证券公司采用最新的技术和产品。作为与高技术密切相关的证券业,如何创造性地应用高科技领域的最新成果,提高自身的实力与服务水平,将成为今后证券业竞争的焦点。因此,供应商和证券业都需要了解未来证券业高技术发展的走向,关注…… China’s securities market has created one of the highest in the world: it has the largest number of shareholders. The upsurge in people’s investment in the securities market has enabled China’s securities industry in recent years to take its wings and soar. Among the people who focus their attention on the Chinese stock market, besides the prostitutes, there are many large and small information technology suppliers, up to the top international well-known hardware and software companies, as small as one or two. A new company dedicated to software, they are actively encouraging securities companies to adopt the latest technologies and products. As a securities industry closely related to high technology, how to creatively apply the latest achievements in the field of high technology and improve its own strength and service level will become the focus of competition in the securities industry in the future. Therefore, both suppliers and the securities industry need to understand the future trend of high-tech development in the securities industry.
按照1996年销售收入排序,中国10家最大国有工业企业为:1.大庆石油管理局(399.30亿元),2.宝山钢铁(集团)公司(253.83亿元),3.首钢 According to the ranking of sales reven
远程存取确实为人们带来了方便,但如何保证安全性呢? Remote access does bring convenience to people, but how to ensure security?
10月14日,Intel 公司宣布在上海建立国际采购部中国分部;今年 Intel 在中国采购电子部件的金额仍然在1亿美元左右。据悉,去年111回在中国的采购额超过l亿美元,王要用于购买
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