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从某种角度看,这是两条教学路线:一条是祟拜高密度、快节奏、大难度的路线;一条是选择低起点、广思路、勤反思的做法.以我目前的认识水平,以为这两者之间也还是以适当结合的中庸路线为妥. 为应付大题最的考试方式,平时的教学不常有一定的密度与频率,将来学生能适应(考试)么?人们一定会这样贵间你. 但经常象本课那样安排一两个低起点、能勤反思的例题.既关怀学习上的“弱势群体、又对优生也(会)有一定的启示与收获的教学方式,这不是有一点两全其笑的味道吗? 这就是说,请注意适当安排几个对中差生而言.能理解题意,又难度适中,通过思考能找到思维发现点的问题,发掘出其中的教学价值,是合适的.只是这里又有一个度的问题. 我们认为,在教学上关注弱势群体,既是应该的,也是可能的一个做法是:选择与利用好合适的低起点问题,以培养学生的思维能力与提高学生的学习兴趣为教学的主要目标·如下设计,就是这样的一次教学尝试. 本节课重点启发提问中差生,也欢迎优生开启新思路,出些好点子! From a certain point of view, this is two teaching lines: one is to bow down to a high-density, fast-paced, and difficult route; the other is to choose a low starting point, a wide range of ideas, and a hard-to-rethink approach. With my current level of understanding, I believe that There is also a proper combination of the two methods. It is appropriate to deal with the most problematic examination methods. The usual teaching methods do not always have a certain density and frequency. Can students adapt (test) in the future? You, but you often arrange one or two examples of low starting points and diligent reflections as in this lesson. You are not only interested in the “disadvantaged groups” of learning, but also have some enlightenment and rewarding teaching methods for eugenics. Isn’t it a bit of a taste for both? That means, please pay attention to properly arrange several pairs of middle school students. You can understand the meaning of the questions and they are moderately difficult. You can find out the problems of thinking and discovery by thinking. Teaching value is appropriate. There is only one degree of problem here. We believe that it is both a proper and possible approach to pay attention to disadvantaged groups in teaching: to choose and use a suitable low starting point to train students. Thinking The ability to improve students’ interest in learning is the main goal of teaching. The following design is such a teaching attempt. This lesson focuses on enlightening students with questions and welcomes eugenics to open up new ideas and come up with some good ideas!
把自然数排成如下数阵{aij}=1 3 61 0 1 5 2 1 2 83 6…2 5 91 42 0 2 73 5 44…481 3 1 92 63 44 3 5 3…71 2 1 82 5 3 3 42 5 2 63…1 1 1 72 43 2 41 5 1 62 74…1 62 3
安徽省 2 0 0 2年中考政治开卷试题中有这样一道分析说明题 :近年来 ,“一元钱官司”大有越来越多之势。针对这一社会现象 ,初三某班政治教师在《“四五”普法规划》颁布一周
看了上期的乒乓球英语,感觉怎么样?在打乒乓球的时候是不是有了一种新的滋味,别忙,下面接着学吧。 How did you feel when you watched the previous table tennis English
免疫系统分为固有免疫(innate immunity)和适应性免疫(adaptive immunity)两大类。固有免疫是宿主抵御病原微生物入侵的第一道防线。病原微生物表面存在宿主所没有的,但可为
课内提升一、给加点的字注音缥碧( ) 急湍( )轩邈( )( )泠泠作响( )经纶( ) 鸢飞戾天( )( )窥谷( ) 横柯( )二、解释加点的词语一百许里( )急湍甚箭( ) Classes to enhance
由平均值不等式可以得到下面的不等式: 即a1n+a2n+…+ann≥na1a2…an. (*) 平均值不等式和不等式(*)在解题时有着广泛的应用.下面略举几例,供读者参考. The following ineq