
来源 :地理研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:charles93
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作为家庭生命历程中的重要事件,住房产权转换与家庭特征变化、个人与工作单位的关系以及区域住房市场环境变化紧密相关。采取事件史分析方法,将住房产权转换与个体生命历程中的重要事件关联起来,分析住房产权转换的影响因素。对住房产权转换的持续期的研究发现,处于租房状态下的住户改变产权状态的愿望较强,但产权一旦进入自有状态,居民改变产权的愿望就会降低;从住房产权的生存时间来看,最终向全部产权转变的生存时间最长,其次是向资助产权的转变,最短的是向租房产权转变;通过建立COX’s比例风险模型分析发现,家庭生命周期变化和组织变量对住房产权转换的影响都非常显著,说明在中国特殊背景下,住房产权的转换不仅与家庭基本特征变化密切有关,还与个人单位的基本特征密切相关,这正是转型时期计划体制和市场分配体制双重力量相互作用的结果。 As an important event in the life cycle of the family, the relationship between the transformation of housing ownership and family characteristics, the relationship between individuals and work units, and the changes in the environment of the housing market in the region are closely related. Taking the analysis of the history of events, this paper correlates the transformation of housing property rights with the important events in the life cycle of an individual, and analyzes the influencing factors of the conversion of housing property rights. The research on the duration of the conversion of housing property rights shows that the tenants who are under the condition of rented houses have a strong desire to change the state of property rights. However, as soon as the property rights go into their own state, the desire of residents to change property rights will be weakened. From the perspective of the living time of housing property rights , And ultimately the longest survival time change to all property rights, followed by a change to funded property rights, the shortest is to change the rent property; through the establishment of COX’s proportional hazards model analysis found that the family life cycle changes and organizational variables on the impact of housing ownership conversion Are very significant, indicating that under the special background of China, the conversion of housing property rights is not only closely related to changes in the basic characteristics of the family, but also closely related to the basic characteristics of the individual units. This is precisely the interaction between the planning system and the dual forces of the market allocation system in the transitional period result.
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