省教委召开初中教育座谈会 端正办学指导思想 提高初中教育质量

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省教委最近召开了初中教育座谈会,研究加强和改革初中教育问题。各行署、市教育局长、中教科长和部分市、县教育局长、初中校长出席了会议。省教委副主任朱仇美同志到会讲了话。会议认真分析了我省初中教育形势。在“六五”期间,各地继续对初中进行了调整、充实和加强,使我省初中教育走上了健康发展、稳步提高的道路。全省现有初级中等学校4340所,在校学生194.82万人,1985年小学毕业生升入初中的比例达到61.8%,初中毕业生的合格率近几年有较大幅度提高,省辖市基本普及了初中教育。1984年试点、1985年推开的教育体制改革,初中下放给区、乡、镇管理的形势越来越好。但我省初中教育还存在着一些困难和问题,主要是学校规模较小,招生能力较低;教师数量缺,学科不配套,水平不适应;经费严重不足,办学条件很差;结构单一化,农职业教育薄弱。 The provincial education commission recently held a seminar on junior high school education to study the issue of strengthening and reforming junior high school education. Various administrative departments, municipal education directors, chiefs of Chinese education, and some city and county education directors and junior high school principals attended the meeting. Comrade Zhu Qimei, deputy director of the Provincial Education Commission, spoke to the conference. The meeting carefully analyzed the situation of junior high school education in our province. During the “6th Five-Year Plan” period, all localities continued to adjust, enrich, and strengthen junior high schools, making junior middle school education in our province embarked on a path of healthy development and steady improvement. There are 4,340 primary and secondary schools in the province, with 1,948,200 students. In 1985, the percentage of primary school graduates who graduated to junior high school reached 61.8%. The qualification rate of junior middle school graduates has increased significantly in recent years. Municipalities in the province have basically universalized junior high school education. In 1984, the reform of the educational system that was piloted in 1984 and promoted in 1985, the situation of decentralization of junior middle schools to districts, townships, and towns is getting better and better. However, there are still some difficulties and problems in the junior high school education in our province. The main reason is that the schools are small in scale and their enrollment capacity is low; the number of teachers is not enough, the disciplines are not matched, and the level is not adapted; the funding is severely insufficient; the conditions for running schools are poor; the structure is simple. Agricultural vocational education is weak.
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