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武汉柴油机厂厂长格里希先生是我国聘任的第一个外国厂长。一年来格里希先生从抓产品质量入手,从严治厂,工厂产品质量明显提高,产品返修率降低74%,经济效益成倍增长,产品开始打入国际市场。去年12月5日,格里希先生应武汉市经委等单位的邀请,谈了他在武柴厂工作的体会。格里希先生提出:企业的厂长、经理,必须直接领导企业的质检部门,树立质检部门的权威性;厂长、经理不能只关心生产,还应在提高职工的素质上下功夫;要关心职工的生活问题,以充分调动职工的积极性等,言辞恳切,值得我们深思。格里希先生的谈话曾在一些报刊全部或局部转载,现根据有关部门领导意见,为便于本市企业各级领导和职工了解,本刊特予全文发表,请广大读者对这篇谈话认真读一读、想一想。 Mr. Gritch, the director of Wuhan Diesel Engine Factory, was the first foreign director appointed by China. In the past year, Mr. Grisher started to grasp the quality of his products and strictly controlled the factory. The quality of the factory’s products has been significantly improved. The rate of product repair has been reduced by 74%. The economic benefits have doubled and the products have begun to enter the international market. On December 5, last year, Mr. Grisich talked about his experience working at the Wu Chai plant at the invitation of the Wuhan Economic Commission and other units. Mr. Grish suggested that the director and manager of the company must directly lead the quality inspection department of the company and establish the authority of the quality inspection department; the director and manager must not only care about production, but also work hard to improve the quality of the staff; Careful attention is paid to the lives of workers and staff, so as to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of employees. The words are earnest and are worthy of our careful consideration. Mr. Gritch’s speech was reprinted in some newspapers and magazines in whole or in part. Now according to the opinions of relevant departmental leaders, this publication has been published in full for the convenience of leaders and workers at all levels of the city’s enterprises. Readers should read this conversation carefully. Read it for the first time and think about it.
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阳光与生命之间有座桥,远古与现代之间有座桥,这桥就是绿色.人类从蛮荒到文明靠绿色,当代辉煌也要靠绿色,绿色可以令明天更婀娜. There is a bridge between sunlight and l
“准备好了吗?”自习课时,思想品德课老师低声问我,“要不要再推迟几天?”我的心猛跳了几下,仔细想想自己已反复设计了三遍,没什么大的漏洞了,于是说:“差不多了,就是不知讲不讲得好。”老师笑了,说:“下一节思想品德课就由你来上,不要紧张,我相信你一定行!”  我能不紧张吗?我本来就是一个胆小怕事的女孩,不知老师怎么偏偏选中了我,让我当小老师上一节课。  上课铃响了,我拿着课本走上讲台,向台下一看,四五
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