
来源 :Journal of Marine Science and Application | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gloria2
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The development of offshore wind farms was originally carried out in shallow water areas with fixed(seabed mounted) structures.However,countries with limited shallow water areas require innovative floating platforms to deploy wind turbines offshore in order to harness wind energy to generate electricity in deep seas.The performances of motion and mooring system dynamics are vital to designing a cost effective and durable floating platform.This paper describes a numerical model to simulate dynamic behavior of a new semi-submersible type floating offshore wind turbine(FOWT) system.The wind turbine was modeled as a wind block with a certain thrust coefficient,and the hydrodynamics and mooring system dynamics of the platform were calculated by SESAM software.The effect of change in environmental conditions on the dynamic response of the system under wave and wind loading was examined.The results indicate that the semi-submersible concept has excellent performance and SESAM could be an effective tool for floating wind turbine design and analysis. The development of offshore wind farms was originally carried out in shallow water areas with fixed (seabed mounted) structures.However, countries with limited shallow water areas require innovative floating platforms to deploy wind turbines offshore in order to harness wind energy to generate electricity in deep seas. The performances of motion and mooring system dynamics are vital to designing a cost effective and durable floating platform. This paper describes a numerical model to simulate dynamic behavior of a new semi-submersible type floating offshore wind turbine (FOWT) system. The wind turbine was modeled as a wind block with a certain thrust coefficient, and the hydrodynamics and mooring system dynamics of the platform were calculated by SESAM software. the effect of change in environmental conditions on the dynamic response of the system under wave and wind loading was examined. The results indicate that the semi-submersible concept has excellent performance and SESAM could be a effector ctive tool for floating wind turbine design and analysis.
十年前,昌吉市政府在“昌市政发(1996) 74号红头文件中曾明确规定“可以从市外、区外招收部分菜农到本乡镇落户,从事温室蔬菜的生产,外来人员承包温室享受本乡镇的同等优惠政
一个月期间,就有三对老夫妻到法院闹离婚,要求帮他们解决离婚后财产分配等问题。这三对老夫妻均是再婚老人。引起他们离婚的原因多是财产问题。如今,无论是农村老年人或是居住城市的离退休的老年人,他们或多或少都有自己的储蓄和财产,如何在享受幸福晚年的同时保护自己的财产呢?    案例一:  再婚夫妻也有继承权  52岁的刘芳经人介绍,与刚退休不久的61岁的王志国结婚,婚后生活不到一年,王志国突发心脏病死亡。