Multi-threshold complementary metal-oxide- semiconductor (MTCMOS) is ofbn used to reduce the leakage current in idle circuit. Ground bounce noise produced during a transition mode (sleep-to-active) is an important challenge in MTCMOS. In this paper, various noise-aware combinational MTCMOS circuit was used to evaluate the ground bounce noise. An intermediate mode was applied in the sleep-to-active mode transition to reduce the charge stored on virtual lines to real ground. The dependence of ground bounce noise on voltage, transistor size and temperature was investigated with different MTCMOS circuit technique. The peak amplitude of ground bounce noise was reduced up to 78.82%. The leakage current of the circuit was decreased up to 99.73% and the active power of the circuit was reduced up to 62.32%. Simulation of multiplier with different MTCMOS circuit techniques was performed on 45nm CMOS technology.