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自1993年以来,几度寒暑春秋,永兴县的教育取得了丰硕的成果。全县共投入教育经费8000余万元,397所中小学校中,有306所学校旧貌换新颜,新建校舍面积35.56万平方米,超过前10年建校面积的总和。资金投入,建设标准、发展速度,名列郴州市之冠。三年来,全县中、小学毕业合格率名列郴州市前茅,在全市教育工作综合评估中,有80所学校被评为一级学校,两个乡镇被评为“教育明星乡”,20个乡镇荣获“教育模范乡镇”的称号。谁能想到3年前在全市教育工作综合评估中,倒数第一的永兴县,短短几年,教育工作发生了如此翻天覆地的变化!喜看今昔巨变,永兴人赞不绝口地告诉我,这是与该县教育局局长、“’95全国教 Since 1993, several years of summer and spring, Yongxing County has achieved fruitful results in education. The county invested a total of more than 8,000 yuan of education funds, 397 primary and secondary schools, 306 schools look fresh, the new school building area of ​​355600 square meters, more than the first 10 years of school building area. Capital investment, building standards, the pace of development, ranked highest in Chenzhou City. In the past three years, the qualification rate of primary and secondary school graduates in the whole county ranked the forefront of Chenzhou City. In the comprehensive assessment of education in the city, 80 schools were rated as primary schools and two townships were rated as “Education Star Township”, 20 A township won the “model township education,” the title. Who can think of three years ago in the city’s comprehensive evaluation of education, the last of Yongxing County, just a few years, education has undergone such a radical change! Like to see the great changes in the past, Yongxing people full of praise told me that this is with the county Board of Education, "95 National Education
近年来,华县财政局坚持以科学发展观统领财政工作全局,狠抓增收节支,加强财政管理,推进财政改革,连续三年提前 In recent years, Huaxian Finance Bureau has persisted in
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前不久,看到一则美国总统克林顿家庭生活的报道:克林顿总统的正在读小学的爱女切尔西在课堂上突然腹痛,校医看 Not long ago, I saw a report on the family life of the U
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