Application of Digital Photogrammetry to Measure Distribution of Tree Postions

来源 :Forestry Studies in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuan6391
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The application of digital photogrammetry to measure distribution of tree positions with stereo image couple is introduced in detail, and the procedure of stereo vision applied in forestry environment is explored. Nonlinear error in measure model is adopted in the camera calibration; the interactive correlation matching is used under constraint of epipolar line and edge of tree detected by Canny operator. Results prove that application of digital photogrammetry technology to measure distribution of tree positions can meet demand of precision in experimental conditions. The application of digital photogrammetry to measure distribution of tree positions with stereo image couple is introduced in detail, and the procedure of stereo vision applied in forestry environment is explored. Nonlinear error in measure model is adopted in the camera calibration; the interactive correlation matching is used under constraint of epipolar line and edge of tree detected by Canny operator. Results prove that application of digital photogrammetry technology to measure distribution of tree positions can meet demand of precision in experimental conditions.
一、型式 六面六工位12轴。 二、用途及加工精度 机床用于在三种不同形状,各种不同规格的电动机机座上钻、攻吊环孔及端面紧固螺钉孔。 三、生产率 负荷率为100%时,每小时加
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