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目的比较1989年、1999年与2009年3个不同时期主要恶性肿瘤对中国女性预期寿命的影响,针对城乡及不同年龄段提出肿瘤防治重点,为改善中国女性生存质量提供参考依据。方法利用2010年中国卫生统计年鉴与1999年、1989年全国卫生统计年报资料的死亡资料,采用Excel软件计算和编制简略寿命表及去死因简略寿命表进行分析,比较因肿瘤损失的寿命和环比增长速度等指标的时间趋势及城乡、年龄差异。结果 1989-2009年这20年间,城乡女性恶性肿瘤死亡率以及因恶性肿瘤损失的寿命一直增加。2009年,城乡肺癌均排序第1位,乳腺癌位次上升到前5位,胃癌排位均有明显下降。目前,城市肺癌、结肠癌、肝癌、胃癌、乳腺癌位居前5位,农村前5位恶性肿瘤与城市相同,而肝癌位于第2。乳腺癌50岁以下各年龄段随时间推移其寿命损失的绝对值均高于老年组,寿命损失环比增长速度各年龄段均是农村高于城市。结论对中国女性预期寿命影响最大的是肺癌,是城乡防治的重点,乳腺癌防治的重点人群是中青年及农村女性。 Objective To compare the impact of three major malignant tumors in different periods of 1989, 1999 and 2009 on the life expectancy of Chinese women, and to put forward the key points of tumor prevention and treatment for urban and rural areas and different age groups and provide reference for improving the quality of life of Chinese women. Methods According to the death data of China National Health Statistical Yearbook 2010 and National Health Statistics Annual Report 1999 and 1989, the Excel software was used to calculate and compile the simple life table and the simple life table of death cause to analyze the life span and growth rate Speed ​​and other indicators of time trends and urban and rural areas, age differences. Results During the two decades between 1989 and 2009, the mortality rate of malignant tumors in urban and rural areas and the life expectancy due to the loss of malignant tumors have been increasing. In 2009, lung cancer in urban and rural areas were ranked first, breast cancer rankings rose to the top 5, gastric cancer ranked significantly lower. At present, the top five urban lung cancer, colon cancer, liver cancer, stomach cancer and breast cancer are located in the urban areas, while the top five malignant tumors in rural areas are the same as those in the cities while the liver cancer is located at No. 2. Breast cancer over the age of 50 under the age of their absolute loss of life expectancy were higher than the elderly group, life-cycle growth rate of growth in all age groups in rural areas than in urban areas. Conclusions The most important impact on the life expectancy of Chinese women is lung cancer, which is the focus of urban and rural prevention and treatment. The key population of breast cancer prevention and treatment is young and middle-aged women and rural women.
目的 分析湖北省全球基金耐多药结核病(MDR-TB)项目(以下简称“项目”)阶段性实施结果,总结“项目”实施过程中的耐多药肺结核诊断、治疗和管理策略的成功经验与不足,提出改
目的 了解福建省2007-2011年流行性腮腺炎(流腮)流行病学特征,为国家扩大免疫规划控制流腮发病,制定防治策略提供科学依据.方法 采用描述流行病学方法对福建省2007-2011年中
高压氧应用于CPCR 136例,包括溺水23例、缢颈49例、触电3例、麻醉手术意外17例、阿斯综合征1例、药物中毒6例、窒息6例、蒙被综合征31例.以上有心搏骤停记录66例,治愈42例,显
目的 探讨爆炸致冲烧毒复合伤的特点和紧急救治策略.方法 结合我们已进行的大量相关实验研究和1994年4月以来,6次参加抢救106例爆炸伤患者的临床救治体会,并引用国内外公开发
目的了解2002-2011年间北京市大兴区人群乙型肝炎(简称乙肝)流行病学特征的变化趋势,为今后制定乙肝防控策略提供依据。方法 2002-2011年大兴区乙肝病例资料来自中国疾病预防
目的 研究北方城市蛇伤的急诊救治对策.方法 回顾性总结急救部12(92年2月~2004年8月)年急诊科蛇伤救治方法.结果 463例患者(蛇贩患者29例,其它434例),男性305例,女性158例,年
目的 探讨延迟与即刻液体复苏对严重胸腹多发伤合并创伤性休克患者的救治效果.方法 对符合严重胸腹多发伤合并创伤性休克的患者随机分为为即刻液体复苏组和延迟液体复苏组,对