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增强企业特别是国营大中型企业活力,是我国经济发展战略中的一件大事。党的十三届七中全会以后,举国上下无不关心这个问题,从党中央、国务院的领导同志,到企业的厂长(经理)遇会必说,逢会必讲。今年五月继国务院颁布有关搞活国营大中型企业的十一条措施以后,人们对企业特别是国营大中型企业所面临的困难,在认识上逐步取得了一致。各省、自治区、直辖市相继作出了与十一条相适应的具体规定,形势向好的方向发展。但是,问题的症结在哪里和如何把企业搞活,则各有各的想法。因此,进一步强调把搞活企业特别是国营大中型企业,看作是经济发展战略中的一件大事,是十分必要的。希望那些掌握一定调控 Enhancing the vitality of enterprises, especially state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises, is a major event in China’s economic development strategy. After the party’s 13th Central Plenary Session, the entire nation was concerned about this issue. From the Party Central Committee, the leading comrades of the State Council, to the director of the company (manager), the meeting must be said. After the State Council promulgated 11 measures to invigorate state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises in May of this year, people gradually reached consensus on the difficulties faced by enterprises, especially state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises. All provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government have successively made specific provisions that are in line with the Eleventh Article, and the situation is developing in a good direction. However, where the crux of the problem is and how to invigorate the company, each has its own ideas. Therefore, it is necessary to further emphasize that invigorating enterprises, especially state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises, are regarded as a major event in the economic development strategy. Hope that those who master a certain regulation
明代景帝时,一位八岁的神童被召入宫,皇宫的门槛很高,他人小跨不过去。景帝见了开玩笑说:“神童足短。”他高声应道:“天子门高。”景帝听了非常高兴,下令将他送到 King Min
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亲爱的妈妈: 今天发生了一件“清凉、刺激”的事情。事情大概的经过是这样的:下午我和表哥、表姐、表弟、表妹们一起玩的时候,突然姨夫出现了,他说:天气这么热,应该找些清凉